Example: 0401-234-567 or (02) 1234-5678

Spam Score
Posted by
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
It’s legit - selling raffle tickets but call too often
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No message, hung up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Want to buy my home. Suspicious
Posted by Papi
on October 14, 2024
Cryptocurrency scammers calling
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Didn’t leave the message
Posted by Erin
on October 14, 2024
I literally sent myself 1. Instead of staff doing it dead set anyone can go on the site and send it, its so unprofessional.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Fill in about free hearing aids.... they are ringing to book me in for a consultation.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Google immediately identified it as a scam caller number and rejected the call.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Got called at 6:30pm
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
A frantic man from "[unintelligible] consultancy" abruptly hung up on me after I said, "I'm sorry I'm not sure who this is". He must have had a sudden onset of explosive diarrhea. I would not recommend dabbling in whatever they are up to as it seems to be infested with E. Coli.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
the caller hanged up
Posted by Chris
on October 14, 2024
No idea but probably a marketing call. No message left
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They left me a text msg saying my Telstra points are expiring and to redeem if i click the link. SCAM. Do not respond AND DONT CLICK THE LINK
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
The usual multiple daily calls
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
This is a legitimate company who are surveying TAC clients in an effort to gauge the satisfaction of TAC services! As an accident victim I did receive previous correspondence regarding this survey!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No name so didn't answer. Rainy back ten years minutes later but the line was gone, I just got the clunk noise. Blacked now
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
My gov scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Unknown caller. No message left
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Paul
on October 14, 2024
Missed call with no message. When dialled recorded message received advising 'Azalea Property Group called to discuss possible sale of property. However search via goggle has no business in brisbane called Azalea Property Group
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scam call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called no message left.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
f*cking sh*ts. LEAVE ME ALONE
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Phone call on my landline. The call was ended by the caller just after I answered the phone. I must have been a bit slow. This makes me think it was a SCAM call. One of the other comments left makes me think that it might be a "charity survey" call which I've had before. Answer their questions & you get call after call from charities.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Rang my mobile this morning, but I never pick up calls that I don't recognise. If they're a legitimate caller, they would leave a message, but didn't. After reading comments here...probably the same scammer.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
different number every 2 days. Don' t leave messages I just ignore them
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
came up as scam call on my mobile. I don't know anyone in NSW and a similar number with just a few digests different - (02) 7238 4436 - called not long after. Am assuming scammer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
came up as scam call on my mobile. I don't know anyone in NSW and a similar number with just a few digests different - (02) 7238 4475 - called not long after. Am assuming scammer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They never give up. Calls nearly every day on slightly different numbers which I keep blocking
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called at meal time didn’t leave a message..
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Some radio survey, I just said not interested they hung up quickly
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Hung up when answered
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
When u call back it says in USA accent number u have dialled us currently unavailable scam for sure
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Said I had a car accident within the last 2 years. She kept pushing asking if I had been in a not at fault accident. I hung up and blocked the number.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Tried calling back literally 10sec’s after I missed the call and went straight to busy tone, and considering I am in Vic and don’t know anyone in WA I can only assume that it’s a scam or something of the sorts!!!!!
Posted by B35
on October 14, 2024
Called and left no message.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I called back from another phone, they didn't introduce name of company just said hold for customer service rep.. I didn't have time & called back later, & got this number is not in service
Posted by Sam
on October 14, 2024
Ignores the do not call register, refused to put me on to a supervisor
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called then hung up straight away
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No message left on ans machine
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Call from this number, no message left. Called back after turning caller ID off and got a message saying the number I had dialed is unavailable so likely a fake number ID spoofed by foreign scammers.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Said they were from “Care Compare” and wanting to talk about my private health insurance. Very polite but it was an unwanted call.
Posted by Tim
on October 14, 2024
missed call no message left. scam,
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
scam trying to use myGov
Posted by Muzza
on October 14, 2024
Called my brand new number, said I’d been making enquires about solar. Definitely a scammer.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
0412 086 340 prank calling, swearing and talking about very vulgar and inappropriate content. Sounded like young girls.
Posted by Keeping their hands out of my wages
on October 14, 2024
This caller was happy to gain access to my internet and become my internet saviour. Before he speeds up my internet shouldn't I get some first???
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
attempted to call 3 times in a row
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Phoned and did not leave a message. I do not know this number!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I missed the company. Cold caller, asking me to participate in a survey about NSW's future.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Got same.scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scam call about Amazon Prime billing
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scam call providing a streaming service but want to to download an app and they will give you a login- I'm guessing a teams to clear your bank account
Posted by Bus
on October 14, 2024
Knew my email and my phone number and said I had requested a health benefits comparison. Said I requested it ‘a while ago’. Hung up on him
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Energy bill scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Fed-up with thieving time wasters
on October 14, 2024
Called from 2 different number simultaneously, first number (02) 9071 0277
Posted by Sydney-sider
on October 14, 2024
I didn't pickup but the caller left a message on voicemail. It sounded like a robotic woman speaking a dialect og Chinese that didn't sound like Mandarin. Then said, in English to "press 2 for Chinese, then 3 for English".
Pretty sure that call was not from NSW, just spoofing the number.
Posted by AL
on October 14, 2024
unsolicited call, apparently from LJ Hooker, Real Estate Co.
Unanswered, and left no message.
Some people think the Do Not Call list doesn't apply to them I guess.
But its not good PR.
Posted by RAE
on October 14, 2024
Called left no message, when tried to call back statement saying number is unavailable. Have blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Wanted me to verify a large purchase by pressing 1 to confirm or 2 to say it wasn't me.
Posted by MacDean
on October 14, 2024
Spam mofos
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Solar polar call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Came up as spam. Ignored call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Energy compare bills
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They are part of a human trafficking organisation that co-ordinate effort through multiple channels via social media, email, phone and get people's data from data breaches
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
The caller claimed to be from a TV rating survey. Didn’t ask any questions about viewing habits.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Possible Spam.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
These group of numbers starting with 0489 would be the most persistent ringing every day from 4pm with just a didgit change in the numbers have blocked in excess of 20 very annoying and how do they get my number after I block theyring my wife and on in goes day after day
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Yet another possible scam. When you ring back, nothing, no dial tone or even a engaged tone. Just please block
Posted by Bee
on October 14, 2024
Calling to see if I have solar panels and if I want some ect.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Once again .. no message left, so blocked the number
Posted by Brian
on October 14, 2024
Fake ATO message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Has been marked as SPAM
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Seems this is the number of a cleaning service now. They call me twice a day after I got a quote online for a bond clean.
Posted by Allan, singh
on October 14, 2024
Good bloke
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Received message from this number. Trying to see if this number is ligitimate.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They are relentless, told them not to ring me but they persist. I block every one but still keep getting through
Posted by RMP
on October 14, 2024
Suspected ATO scam. Blocked, deleted.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
SCAM! Don’t bother.
I called back this missed call firstly by changing to private number and it wouldn’t connect so I called with my number and a lady answered straight away and asked for myself or husband stating our full name. I said sorry who you ringing from she paused and again she wanting to speak stating our full name. I said again who are you ringing from and she said Prime and said she...
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
It's Macquarie bank, calling to check something but a pity they put their cleverest person on this call. :)
Posted by M
on October 14, 2024
Called 3 times in the space of over a week and a half
Posted by AB
on October 14, 2024
Flagged as "suspected spam". Can't they give a break. Every day a new number.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Asked for someone who doesn't live here.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called 2x today, didn't leave a message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Indian call center
Posted by Ken
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
She knew some information I had on their system but when I asked to call them back as I was not expecting the call she abruptly hung the phone up without reply.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Spam sms about medical claim
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Relentless high pressure wine sales. Won't take no for an answer. Won't leave you alone. Will call from a range of different numbers. The "deals" they offer are not good for the quality of wine. Just keep blocking their numbers until they stop calling. It will take a while.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Outdated advertising peddling investment opportunities — or it's just a scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Message read as written: A new Tax n0tification
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
My Vodafone account info is incomplete. Service will be stopped in 2 hours.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Automated voice said hello, then silence. I ended the call.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Spam calls…
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
THey called my mobile, my phone only said "Australia" and no name of a town.
which usually means its not within Australia lol
they didnt leave a voicemail. blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Typical a holes. Just block them and be done with it.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They didn’t leave voice message. Likely scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They keep calling but I reckon it’s a scam number
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Harry
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Hung up when the answering machine clicked in
Posted by pete
on October 14, 2024
called twice, when answered got a hang up so possibly scammer
Posted by Anon
on October 14, 2024
Call from Wanneroo area but not sure what it was - left no message, I didn't answer.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Tried phoning back after missed call, the nu.ber doesnt exist
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
When I phoned back, message said community research on behalf of the local council
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Why no results found
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
This has happened to me twice in the last 3 days. I am not with Telstra. I don't know how they have my personal information.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Keep calling sometimes twice a day and disconnect when i pick up. .Last 4 digit keep changing
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Fake amazon prime charge scam. AI voice claiming that Amazon Prime will charge me $99 etc. etc.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Same here, they left voice message saying their are ABC Blinds and want to call back to schedule installation. Must be a scam, beware,
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Allegedly a Vodafone call centre reminding me to pay for my late bills - i never had a contract with Vodafone before... robocall spam
Posted by John D.
on October 14, 2024
Solar panel rebate scam attempt.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Incessantly annoying caller and hard to understand.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Most likely a SCAM Caller. Called several times and never leaves a message. Clear sign of a dishonest caller
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Cold calling trying to get people to invest in shares.
Sounds like an offshore call centre.
Could be legit but my gut says otherwise
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Most probs a scam call to check if the number is valid.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
trying to check for scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No message, no idea who it was
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I’ve been getting texts for years. This is a scam.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Said they where from AGL and wanted my banking details ! a scammer , hung up and blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Didn't answer the call but an auto-generated pre-recorded message was left on my voice mail. It addressed me by my first name and stated that the details of my Vodafone account were incomplete (I haven't been with Vodafone for several years now) and that my service would be disconnected if I did not update my personal details. On 2 occasions it gave me the choice to select (1) for Chinese or...
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
received sms. claiming to be a collection agency.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Repeat calls - no message - no name - nothing
Posted by Liz
on October 14, 2024
I think this is a bogus hiring company who asks for tax file numbers and bank account details
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Rings and never leaves a message. Maybe another scammer.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
never seen anything more true
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
2 calls, first 21/8/24, second 11/10/24 - no message - no name - nothing
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called and didn’t leave a message. I never call numbers like that back.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Phone number is for Nick Scali Geelong. Not a telemarketer.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scammer trying to say I owe the ATO money. Block this number.
Posted by Trish
on October 14, 2024
Caller hung up after I answered.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
robo call says urgent, from immigration. really carp. just scam
Posted by Anon
on October 14, 2024
Said Hello then they hung up, recently called after using Costco's Call & Connect services 2 days prior to change power and electricity providers. Blocked the number.
Posted by Amber
on October 14, 2024
Third time today and they keep hanging up on me when I answer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Was a recorded computer voice.... but cut out quickly. Said something about voice... Have blocked it. Love to hear if otherscaught full message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Same a woman called me from perth on this number and said my name then hung up.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
its Wallet Wizzare
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No idea who it is
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I answered, no sound
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called hung up, no message left
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Short call, no answer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Claimed to be ANZ and that $1299 had been debited from my account and to press 1 if that was not me. Nothing has been debited from my account. When I tried to call the number back it wouldn't connect.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scammer pretending to be Dominos ads. The text stated that "To opt out, send STOP to 0485 865 365". I cannot appear to block the SMS from keeping on sending messages to me. I am ignoring them. So annoying!!!!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Copy cat
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Said my first name and asked if I speak Thai
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
See Above: Thanks for posting .. silence has company.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Obviously, leaving a message was too much for a caller. The number has been blocked
Posted by Pete
on October 14, 2024
Rang every day for 2 weeks even though I have the number listed in blocked numbers. I eventually called back to see who it was.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Calling recently graduated students to ask how there doing since graduation
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
called but didn't leave a message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
We got a similar letter in our letterbox about God and Jesus and to ring Ian on 0407 294 936 and leave a voice message or SMS to this number. Mentioned that Eternity awaits us all. Found it weird as well.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
some telemarketer spam - call wasnt requested
Posted by Iz
on October 14, 2024
Missed call- no msg. Blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called office wanting to speak with business owner. Don't tell you what it's for you, can hear the call centre in the back ground.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called me claiming to be from Telstra rewarding loyal customers of discount. I needed to verify my details - 'classic line'

I am not with Telstra, they had my mobile and 2x sperate email address on file. Be aware someone has sold our data!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I think it’s a pay phone
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Initial delay before caller spoke then said they were from Optus but I could barely hear them.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They wanted to friend me in roblox?
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
getting 5 to 10 calls a day from prefix 03 7076 ---- if you pick up no 1 there it's annoying
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Selling loans. Said I didn't need a loan and they hung up.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
It’s Everyday Pet insurance (woolworths) if they’re calling it is for a reason and is not a scam. I needed this call from them, so if they ring I would answer. They do not ask for your details right away either, unlike scam calls.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
claiming to be Telstra. problem with my internet they claim. but I am not with Telstra
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
no idea, too risky to answer unknown numbers these days, especially if they cant leave a voicemail
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Apparently from myGOV requesting to click on a link to action "New Refund Notice from your ATO Portal"
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Suspected spam.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They randomly called me at 6 in the morning, and was only made aware of it just now
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Heard an automated "good bye" one second after I picked up. I assume it's part of some automated spam/scam system.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scam caller spoke with foreign accent phishing for personal details
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Claims it’s not a sales call. Blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Was called three days ago from this number and in the voicemail they left I was told they'd call back.

Today I got that call back. Same number, but no voicemail was left this time.
Posted by M.E.
on October 14, 2024
Scam call Oct 14 2024 claiming “significant Amazon related activity” from my phone number. Asked me to switch on phone speaker??? I hung up at tgat point.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They don’t leave a message
Posted by Angie
on October 14, 2024
No company name. Sent a message when didn't answer
Posted by Richard morphat
on October 14, 2024
This is Webcentral's Outbound Sales team calling in response to your email, or regarding a new or existing service. I Spoke to Dan and he improved my existing plan.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Must be a scam or telemarketer, never leaves a message.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
called twice throughout the day and as soon as I answered they hung up without speaking
Posted by Jamie
on October 14, 2024
Was working on my laptop, got a call answered it and my laptops camera went on grrrr. I instantly hung up, called it back and there was an automated answer "one moment please" and I was on hold. After about 20 seconds I hung up and blocked them. Obviously a scam.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
It was a call about a call centre job I applied for, haven't got any response back or more info
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
no message left...
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
DO NOT answer this scammer peoples call. It plays the usual pre recording then asks you to press 1 for English or 2 for 2 Chinese...an asian guy answered but didn’t speak English to me and hung up. I tried calling it back but the number doesn’t call anywhere...probably from a computer system...
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
After receiving a call from a number where there was dead-silence (number located in Victoria (03) 9999 1405) I get a text saying that that I have an outstanding matter that is pending "IMMEDIATE FURTHER ACTION" and to call debt recovery. The thing is, I don't owe anyone anything and own my car outright etc. I'm thinking it's a scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Spam - rang twice didn’t answer. Left an accidental voicemail that was just echos of a call centre
Posted by Des
on October 14, 2024
Rang the number but it just keep going without ringing - therefore it is a scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Doesn't speak
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
received a message from this number saying i have a new overdue amount in MyGov, which is a complete lie and obvious scam number
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Missed call. No message was left. Suspected Spam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called requesting to speak with the business owner about solar
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Pathology Lab, called to advise they would rebook my blood test at the Ellenbrook Collection Centre. They confirmed the time and date my blood test had been taken. Contacted the Ellenbrook Collection Centre and they confirmed the tests needed to be repeated. Not sure why the number didn't show up as belonging to Australian Clinical Labs.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called 1423 14oct2024. Scammer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
This number belongs to the charity group CBM. If you have donated, they will use your number to solicit further donations, even if you have asked them not to
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Missed the call from this number, when I called back it just said they were a service centre but didn’t say for who. Wanted me to use prompts. I hung up.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Hello fresh calling for a discount
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I missed the call. When I called back, the number was not in service. Scammers
Posted by Ray
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scam call - also using (07) 3772 8066 and (07) 7073 2779
Posted by Andydownunder
on October 14, 2024
Same as what "Bruce " said
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
don't answer numbers I don't know. no message - very annoying as various versions have been calling mostly with international prefix 0011 64 (NZ country code) - other numbers 6556 1870; 6556 8387; 6556 7053; 6556 6558
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Has rung a few times, left no msg and states location as Melbourne.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
It's a scammer pretending to provide new free hot water services. DO NOT TRUST THESE LIARS
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
calling with prefix from NZ 0011 64 265561870 - various versions have also come through 6556 8387; 6556 7053; 6556 6558 - all over the course of a few days.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Keeps calling asking for Martha. Won't remove my number from their system. Has been happening for years.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
This person make dirty phone calls and very offensive
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Same number has called twice. Is actually a blocked number by Vodafone but somehow got to leave a voicemail about Fair Work.

Called the company back and said not interested.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Asked if company did cremations and can bring back someone to life after they pass away. Was convinced the government had something to do with the church.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Ignore, annoying sales call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Ignore, annoying sales call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
They listened to me saying Hello then hung up
Afraid that they may use AI to replicate the sound of my voice
Angry because I never answer unknown numbers
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Couldn't hear properly, but after a pause and us both saying "Hello?" it sounded like she was launching into a spiel about solar panels
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
usless no info
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
answered and after a delay a male caller swore at me
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No Message - suggested from Cann River VIC. Government failing to address these type of calls.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Didn't answer as unrecognised number.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
The usual. Private details sold to criminals without permission or consent. The other criminals supposed to guard our privaxy are obviously complcit. Blocked and deleted.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No message was left and when I called back the phone there was no dial tone
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Sent SMS at 01:15 with a link medical claims isauau.xyz
Obviously a scam.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Cant be connected when calling back Scam & Fraud chinese/mandarin/cantonese BS / fraud and dont leave message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Genuine Caller re. Victoria Electoral Commission about Availability for work as a genuine ad-hoc worker
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on September 13, 2024
Called and didn’t leave a message. Likely scammer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scam don't answer especially if you have a compensation claim. Private investigators or defence lawyers.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
+61 prefix is Australia
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called from Burnie and left no message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Not connected when I called back 14/10/24 1.22pm
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Looks like a scam text. Citing “medical claims” Includes a link that is probably a virus or attempting to syphon personal information.
Posted by Paul
on October 14, 2024
This is
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Came up as suspected scam
Posted by Elisa
on October 14, 2024
RACV called me from this number about my expired roadside assistance. They were able to quote my membership details, and email a copy of my receipt for a previous car insurance payment. I'm satisfied this number is legitimate.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
You do realise that tom is AI?
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Spam call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Did not answer as unknown number. Did not leave a message. Suspicious.
Posted by A Puppy
on October 14, 2024
They called and didn’t leave a message
Posted by Pasi
on October 14, 2024
No message left, number looked weird for a Brisbane number.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
had an call centre background noise and an Indian accent, got very assertive which is when I hung up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Left me a voicemail saying

“Oh mama mama if you want a girl”
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Hi there, Possible unauthorised transaction of 670.56 AUD at Coles from your card. Reply Yes if this was you and try again if NOT call us immediately on 0428 365 466 to avoid any loss.
Posted by Mindy
on October 14, 2024
Call centre for charity collectors. Polite but unsolicted.
Posted by David
on October 14, 2024
While they asked some questions, they did not ask enough to make me wonder about identity theft.
And I could see what they were querying when I logged on to Coles MasterCard and saw the "pending transaction" from an unknown biller.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Safe. Westpac Business Banking. I applied for a EFTPOS terminal
Posted by Tracey
on October 14, 2024
Says I purchased something on Amazon for $600. Scam call from “Anna”.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Continously calling and when I answer nothing is said
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I skipped the call assuming it was a scam. I called back and took me to commonwealth bank., everything was legit. They also sent the notification to my app to confirm it was them
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Rang back said no was not connected??? must be a scam
Posted by Mr Stinky
on October 14, 2024
Phone flagged spam call, so didn't answer. They didn't leave a message.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Hung up as soon as i answred, few missed calls
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Missed call and no voicemail msg. Scammer most likely.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Reverse call Liberal party message 🤬
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called and didn't leave a message - assuming spam marketing
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Robo call Vodafone /8 Telstra urgent disconnection scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
They called them there was a delay and then a voice asking how I’m going so I hung up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Don't know who the caller is
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
"Your mobile phone will be disconnected. Press 1 for Chinese 2 for English"
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Muffled voice, asked who it was, no reply, blocked!
Posted by Paul
on October 14, 2024
Same message. Different phone number just now
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Made a low ball offer via sms even after i advised I was not interested in negotiating a price. Low level human being, just ignore the message.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I didn't answer so they hung up.
Posted by Clifford Blake
on October 14, 2024
Cambodian Scammer
Posted by Robert
on October 14, 2024
Called but didn’t leave a message. Blocked.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Hung up and soon as I answered
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
A woman called, heavy accent (sounded like an overseas call centre) and it was muffled, not very clear. She said she was from the Mastercard and Visa department (of what???). I figured it was a scam call, I stopped her and asked her to speak clearer because she was muffled. She said "Can you hear me?" I replied "Yes, but you're muffled, you sound like you're speaking through a sock." She...
Posted by Amanda
on October 14, 2024
Called but left no message, no results when searching online anywhere.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scam caller spoke with foreign accent phishing for personal details
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Not answered
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called didn’t leave a message
Posted by Gordon
on October 14, 2024
Got a Landline call from (02) 8530 6748... I could hear it was a call center... Woman knew my 1st Name. Wanted me to give her my email address so she could send me some financial advice... I told her I was a multi millionaire and needed NO financial advice. Number is now blocked.
Posted by Ajita Pantha
on October 14, 2024
Nepalese Indian Lady
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
He said his name was Shane from Commander Telecoms, wanted to speak with the business owner. I asked to speak to "the owner". I asked what the reason for the call is. He said he wanted to speak about phone upgrades. I asked him if he is referring to the phone upgrade we needed to have with 3CX, he said yes. I knew it was a lie. I asked if we inquired, he said no. Told him we're not interested...
Posted by Vladimir
on October 14, 2024
fake PayPal invoice referring to the above number
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Phishing call.
Posted by Louise
on October 14, 2024
Reverse lookup is for looking up numbers, why then when I type numbers in to find it’s unknown to them!!! So can never find out who is ringing me..
Posted by Sheree
on October 14, 2024
I have no debt and they keep calling in so many different numbers and now txt me also the are relentless
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
probably a scam, didnt leave a messag
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
called my worplace. they hung up after i annouced said workplace
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Came up as suspected spam. Now blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
keeps calling and no one there when i pick up.
Posted by DaveA
on October 14, 2024
Nuisance crank caller. Calling to see if you answer. Rang back but was told number was disconnected. Blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Auto blocked by phone as spam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Yet again, another unsolicited phone call (SPAM/SCAM) using a number that cannot be called back. Add this to your growing list of BLOCKED numbers.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
So many phone calls and hangs ups after I pick up the call.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
on behalf of wallet wizard/credit corp
Posted by T
on October 14, 2024
Got a quote from their website and now they are harassing me. They call everyday trying to sell me their services.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scammer called was very rude and confrontational. Block this number.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No message left so probably spam scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I got the same link sent to me on 13 October 2024 from a different number - 0455 195 506 - interestingly the same 3 last digits. No I did not click on the link either.
Posted by Vladimir
on October 14, 2024
Fake PayPal Invoice
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
It's a message about medical claims
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Have been calling regularly. Apparently I signed a petition .
Posted by Same as above
on October 14, 2024
Hung up in 3 seconds. Had researched health insurance yesterday, and others mentioned this too.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Scammers call or the number has been spoofed. Blocked!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Was there illegal access to my private telephone number? Who sent unsolicited text message for propaganda? Should be charged with fraudulent behaviour in my opinion.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Called didn't leave message. Thanks to other contributors above, I won't be calling back and will block number
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Please be aware that this Rose from McLean Financial is a nuisance scam caller.
New numbers each time they call from a mobile.
If you don't answer and try to call back goes to some weird message bank.
I have nothing to do with this company - who are you and what do you want, just stop calling!!!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Spam call pretending to Be Unoversity
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
I don't use Uber eats so if it's them why would they be calling me? and how did they get my number?
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
scammers - message looking for "weed" and phone number connects to brothel in Melbourne Vic
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
My phone labelled the number as "suspected spam" but I don't know who
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
no answer when called back
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Rang back sounds like Camtar market research centre
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No message left from
Unknown number
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
No message left and no answer on return call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Rang to ask if cleaning services needed
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by David
on October 14, 2024
After all, mygov just sends you an email to say there is something in your inbox. And you get there via official mygov website.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Compare Health Insurance
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
“NETFLIX : your last payment was rejected, please update your details at : mysubscription-details.com to avoid suspension.“
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
received following text message at 2:41am
‘medical claims: suau.xyz’ (hyperlink)
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Anna escort
on October 14, 2024
Some timewasting indian agn. Murad Cheadle on voicemail.never books aptment just txtg and messing about.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 14, 2024
came up as an unverified number
Posted by Venus
on October 14, 2024
Posted by Stuart
on October 13, 2024
Got the same message. Haven't subscribed to Norton ever. check your credit card account.
Posted by Anon
on October 13, 2024
Medical claims scam link
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Medical Claims Scam with a link to click on.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Scam SMS: "Medical Claims: suau.xyz"
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Asking to go to parties that dont exist
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Something about medical claim and a link to access it. Very suspicious as I’m not downing any medical claims
Posted by Richie
on October 13, 2024
Received following text message “Medical claims: isauau.xyz”
Have blocked this number
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Called and didn't speak a word.
Posted by Richie
on October 13, 2024
Received text message as follows “” Redeem your Telstra Rewards ASAP to avoid expiration! redemegifts.info/pts”
As I do not have a Telstra account this is definitely a text to fish for my information
Have blocked this number.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Outpatient Clinics for the Tasmanian Health Services. Calling to schedule an appointment because they’ve received an appointment request for you from a doctor, or calling to remind you of an upcoming appointment.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Scam number. Texted my mum asking for money and that they need help, posing as a child needing money
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
texted me johno and my number, sus
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Some dodgy rubbish mechanic
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Sent some dodgy link. Doesnt look convincing. Ignore
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
This person stalked me over a year ago. I blocked him and changed my fb and snspchat names. Today he rang again and said so you remember me? and sent me a photo of his pinis after I told him to dont contact me again. He is a preditor.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Text message contained the following message:
"Important: Validate your delivery details within 12 hours to avoid returning the package to the sender. (Scam link)"

Block and avoid.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
lets my message bank record, but there's a long silence.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Returned the call and number isn’t an available.
Posted by yoro
on October 13, 2024
texted pretending to be mygov and i opened the link they sent. they logged into my account
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Scam with link my gov ( NOT My Gov ) pay urgent attention. Did not touch link
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
He’s a rapist
Posted by Coco
on October 13, 2024
It’s Amazon. Wonderful person on the other line having issues with delivery. Please answer the call to not delay them any longer and you can receive your package sooner.
Posted by Jaiden
on October 13, 2024
It’s the like prisoners use to call you on
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Telstra points text scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
didn't answer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Keeps calling and when answered has an American sounding disconnection sound .. hope my phone is safe
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Pretending to be tax office
On 0476 718 275
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Hi Mum, My phone screen is broken. Contact me 0432 835 484
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Hey Mum, My phone screen is broken. Contact me. 0432 835 484
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Beware !!!
Tx scams as myGov,
eg, myGov pay notification.

If you receive an SMS or email like this, don't click on the link. It will take you to a fake myGov log on page, designed to steal your personal information. The image below is one example of the format this scam can take. The real ATO won't send you an SMS or email with a link to sign in to our online services.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Since it's a interstate call on a sunday I let it go to voicemail.
When I checked the message it was a recorded voice telling me it was vodaphone and that my service will be cut off if I don't contact them immediately.
But I'm not with vodaphone, so obvious scam.
Posted by Cedar
on October 13, 2024
he is a pedo that tried to rape my daughter, he texted with her and forced her to meet up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Allegedly from the ATO. Sends an SMS link to get your revised business taxation return. Helps if you have a business taxation return to start with.
Posted by PI
on October 13, 2024
Pretend as someone to steal your information. After that this mfker will use different phone numbers to scam you by sending links .
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Called Sunday afternoon from this Sydney landline; I know no-one in Sydney.

Caller left message, which I chose to ignore in favour of calling back.

Answered by recorded message:
'The number you have called is not in service...' in American accent.
I know no Americans. 😉
Posted by rat
on October 13, 2024
missed call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Legit call from a nurse on call from the tac
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Medical claim and link
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
fake message about tax return
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Received this obviously scammed SMS
message today....
myGov: Reminder: Your refund is finalized and ready for you. View it now at https://mytaxprofileau.com
It was not addressed to me personally and it used a word that was American spelling.
After reporting this blocked this number.
Posted by Turbo
on October 13, 2024
Some old codger who says he has lost his hearing aide and can't hear you clearly.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Claims to be tax office
Posted by Frederic
on October 13, 2024
"myGov: sent you new notice, visit https:// myqovausref.online now".

They use "q" in link instead of "g" as it can easily be confused.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
I missed the call but on calling the number back got the chinese recorded message & then music
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Once again... a missed call by a number associated with Vic/Tas ... and I do know anyone from there. blocked and reported
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Do not know... didnt answer call. I dont know anyone in Victoria/Tas so likely a spam call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Message saying I owe money on my accout. I don't have a Vodafone Acc.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Rachel Piekar is a bully and she gets people to dox and dehumanise other people.

I hope the person she gets married to , wakes up and leaves her. She is nothing but a nasty person and a bully.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Caller left a msg with "enter new pin" and when no response was received "pin number is not updated". When the number was called a recorded msg stated that "the number is not in service".
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Threatened to kill me over text and saying my entire family will pay for it
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
0400 696 658
AUS-GOV-NOTICES: New EFT available from us this week at myGov.
GO TO myausqovonlineservces.com
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Text message (“Medical claims”) with a suspicious link eassau.xyz.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
scam call aimed at international students
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Received message claiming to be from medicare and asking me to verify my information which is information they should have. Too bad if it is genuine. They’ll have to contact me another way. I couldn’t see what other information they wanted as I had to complete all my personal details - name, address and phone numbers which is already known by Medicare.
Posted by Birdy
on October 13, 2024
Very scared, devastated. Benny? Fisher? Wesley Turton? Louise Cassidy?
If this number calls apply for IVO immediately.
Posted by Unknown
on October 13, 2024
Trying to tell others that it's me
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Left a message that my “service” would be stopped in two hours and to press #1 for English and #2 for Chinese.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Who is this???
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Robo call, tele number not listed in directory. Sms message said:
"Service will be stopped within two hours. Please press one for English service and press two for Chinese service." Message2Text
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Some kind of gay tranny slut chatting with my man!!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Recorded message claiming to be Vodafone & my contract will be stopped. I am not with Vodafone
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Potential spammer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Stating O'Brien glass and I owe 200 dollars
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Claimed to know me through "Gloria" (a person I don't know) asking for personal details.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Scammer imitating Telstra. Told me to exchange my Telstra Rewards points by a deadline this week and provided a dodgy hyperlink.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
They called me and no they weren't after money, what kind of simpleton with a 1st world problem are you?
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Stupid scammer demanding payment for tolls, providing a link. Absolutely disgraceful and pathetic sending these scam emails to people who have never driven, and to any driver.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
This number rang me on Thursday October 10th at 2:30pm left voicemail saying hello it’s Marty from optichoice how are you today I blocked the number no doubt they have millions of 0485 800 XXX prefix that they use
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Potentially medical related scam via text message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Seems to call every 3 months
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Scam medicare call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Calls never leaves messages
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Likely scam. I received consecutive calls similar numbers but the last two digits (487 & 490). Recommend Block, delete, end call.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Likely scam . I didnt answer then a min later same number w different last 2 numbers (487) called and left a vmail of Press 1 for English or Press 2 for...... Recommend Block BOTH numbers if received.
Posted by Robert
on October 13, 2024
Unknown number, didn’t leave a message. Blocked.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Now she has disconnected the number as found after more harassments as she has her daughter ringing my associations just for more harassment.
I do not know this woman, met her maybe 5 times total, have not even seen it from a distance in around a decade.
And yet even now the psychotic stalking, harassments and TOTALLY abnormal interest in my life, what I own continue and of course her deluded...
Posted by Gra
on October 13, 2024
You've been added to the waitlist at Chateau Marmont! The estimated wait time for your party of 2 is 15 minutes. We'll text you here when your table is ready.

Text "9" at any time to remove yourself from the waitlist. Reply STOP to unsubscribe from SMS messages at any time. Msg & Data rates may apply.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
After installing the HOTDOC App I received the message to contact a strange address about my medical claim. Suspect Acamand have blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Missed call at 2am, left voicemail of 10 seconds of heavy breathing and then hung up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024

Medical claims:ilraiuass.xyz

Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Medical claims:servisauvs.xyz

Posted by Ellie
on October 13, 2024
they sent a message about medical claims with a link attached
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Text message 6am on a Sunday medical claims. Absolutely a scam link in message. I do not have any medical claims & there not done this way anyway or on a single day morning. I have reported the number to https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/

Don’t open the link & suggest report also.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Act Fast! Your Telstra rewards are about to expire! Don't miss out redeem your gifts today and enjoy the perks! https://telstr.integrals.plus/aau

Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024

Medical claims: isauau.xyz

Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
I am a real estate agent and get calls from all sorts of numbers at all sorts of times. I received a call at 7.26am from this number. With daylight savings it is not unusual to receive accidental calls at this time of the morning...I answered the call to here "hi it is Steve and I have Hayley with me......she is sucking my c*#k right now then he starts moaning...naturally I hung up straight away.
Posted by Anonymous
on September 23, 2024
Don’t answer. Abusive and violent. Narcissist marrried to a whinging Pom tranny.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Call arrived @ 2am stating...
Medical claims:isuau.xyz
I phone via land line and reached an anonymous message bank.
This is an obvious scam call.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Unknown caller
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
Sam text received
Posted by Anonymous
on October 13, 2024
said the call was from sydney (im in bunbury) answered assuming it was spam call, i screamed and hung up the number called back and told me to turn my camera on so he could locate me and told me to stop playing him and to go to hell
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Said from Medicare, but not
Posted by Mike S
on October 12, 2024
1300 550 216 is Citibank's scam reporting number. Don't believe the people here stating that it's a "scam", it most definitely is not... but don't believe me, look at their website, you'll see it listed under "Contact us"
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
From mobile 0457 265 206

Medical claims: isauau.xyz
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
collecting debts
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
doesn't reply
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Bloody rip off artist
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Received a dodgy SMS from this number.
"Medical claims:servis*****.xyz"
Redacted link due to this most likely being a phishing scam.
Posted by Taleea cole-simmons
on October 12, 2024
Does anyone know who belongs to this number 0408 254 609
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Called asking where I was. And repeated 'bro it's me'. We're all waiting for you?
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Scam SMS, pretending to be from Telstra. Included a dodgy link.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Sent photo and see you soon
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
My phone advised me that this call was from Cairns Qld. The call rang off before I could answer it. I checked with a person I know in Cairns. It was not him. Not sure if was some sort of prank call.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Beware of this unlisted number as it is almost certainly yet another spoofed number being used by cyber criminals. As this number was not recognised it was left to ring out with no message being recorded on completion. Accordingly, the above number has been blocked and reported.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Likely a spammer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
I don't know who called
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Likely a spam call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Pretends to fix cars , ask for money up front then runs
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Scam caller spoke with foreign accent phishing for personal details
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Says my Telstra points are about to expire. I don’t use Telstra and haven’t in over 8 years.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Received a dodgy text message from this number claiming to be from the ATO
Trying to access MyGov account details. Do not click on link
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Messaged me saying I had an urgent message from the ATO
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Report, block, delete
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Fine them
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Sent a dubious myGov message with a link. Definitely a scam.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
There should be fines for these sales companies when you have asked for your contact details to be removed
Posted by Mike
on October 12, 2024
Chinese language automated call
Posted by Janine Cowling
on October 12, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Left message in chinese.
Posted by marcus burns
on October 12, 2024
Is This a Scam, as it came from the China Government
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
This number has been searched many times as reported from another site. I would safely mark it as spam as they do not leave a message and call 3.45pm on a saturday
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Saying received payment from Centrelink
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
New message about your 2024 refund pay; https://myserviceaus.cc/mygov/

Another scam sms
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
A non Australian woman claiming to be from Telstra told me that if I give her my password that Telstra would offer me a one off half yearly bill for free. If she was really from Telstra she would already know that mine is prepaid and I pay my prepaid Yearly.

0467 839 138


Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Answered to some wheezing guy trying to sell everything from weight loss pills, penis pumps and other shady stuff. SKETCHY AF!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Said they were Telstra and sent a code asking me to verify my account
Couldn’t answer my questions when asked where she was - clearly Indian scam centre
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Claiming to be from Medicare, wanting details of profile
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Fake sms pretending to be myGov, don’t open link. Block and delete.
Posted by Markie of the Beast
on October 12, 2024
Unsolicited call from this number @ 17:30 12 Oct. No message left. A simple disturbance.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Scam text messages, appears to be a fake Medicare/Services Australia portal. Do not click the link.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Answered call & they hung up
Posted by John D.
on October 12, 2024
This caller reached my message bank, but left no message. I received another call later from a number just one digit different, which also reached my message bank and left only background noise of a call centre. I strongly suspect it was a scam attempt.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Constantly calling and then not talking. Must be a 12 year old kid
Posted by John D.
on October 12, 2024
This call reached my message bank but left no message, only several seconds of what sounded like background noise of a call centre. I suspect it was a scam attempt.
Posted by Manos Tsichlakis
on October 12, 2024
Personal call for mr Livaditis Nikos, thank you
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Indian caller, they hung up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Answered, they hung up. Rang back tried to sell me a new hot water system on government rebate scheme.
Posted by Chanelle
on October 12, 2024
Rang asking if this was the Lyndhurst STD Clinic?
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Telstra scam
Posted by Daniel
on October 12, 2024
Some creeps saying they can see my girlfriend
0499 641 164
0447 293 770
Posted by Daniel
on October 12, 2024
Some creeps saying they can see my girlfriend.
0447 293 770
0499 651 164
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
RECEIVED A TEXT FROM 0483 113 672 Re (MY-GOV) you have an important information about YOU in-come disbursement visit
aubenefitservice.com to view.
I am certain that I won't be investigating this and have block the sender
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Rang twice and hung up before I could answer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Called today offering 50% 0ff my telstra bill for 6 months... Telstra is not my network.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Called 3 times without leaving voicemail. Started messaging strange texts: "can you check your bank Jen said she'll send the money" and " "ill be out in a min n bring your charger"
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Nuisance call.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Solar rebate spam
Posted by Tim H
on October 12, 2024
Machine voice saying "You've missed an important from the Australian Government..." I didn't wait to hear the rest of it.
Posted by VW
on October 12, 2024
Received call on my mobile and the caller hung up after two rings. Then I saw all these comments. I blocked this number. Date 12 October 2024. Time of call 3:58 pm
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
No message left
Posted by ROCHELLE
on October 12, 2024
Saying it's a Telstra number
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Keeps calling n hangs up after 15 seconds possible scum scammer line testing
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Just says “you’re late for the movie I’m very angry” followed by a ‘I’m watching you” text. Very weird
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Rings me almost daily but hangs up when I answer then when I ring the number back they do not pick up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
13 13 18 number was in an email telling me I had a Tax refund from My Gov.au But email was fromgraschwartz @ watchtv.net SCAM
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Prank called stating they spotted my missing animal 4 hours away then hung up on me
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
From previous comments it’s an annoying scam call number, no message left. Now blocked.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Left some unintellible message in Chinese
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Atlas Real Estate
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Trying to sell solar panels. Don't know which company as I couldn't under the woman with an Indian accent.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
just another cold call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
No message so probably spam scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
The person convinced my mother they were me, and asked her to give them her card details to pay for their phone. Claiming it was urgent as "I" wouldn't have access to my usual phone for a couple of days so needed to urgently pay for the new one...
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
I am assuming it's a telemarketer as they have been very persistent with their calls. My mobile identifies the call as SPAM.
Posted by N
on October 12, 2024
I gave roy morgan a call via the number on their website to confirm and it is a legit follow up after doing their phone poll/survey.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Spam caller
Posted by Brian
on October 12, 2024
Claims to be from the "Government" - Scam call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Please contact dad . My new number is ***
Originally sent as a message from 0405 680 960
FAKE request and notification.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Fake number pretending to be family member. Supplying a second phone number
0420 842 761
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
scam email number
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
It's spam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Spam call
Posted by Krlly
on October 12, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Called and left no message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Called on weekend - left a phishing message about a service in danger of being cancelled, blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Automated call stating this " Hello, vodaphone customer service centre. Your contract information is incomplete and service will be stopped within 2 hours. Please press one for English service and press 2 for Chinese service."
I called VODAFONE my account is fine.. beware of these scumbags imitating businesses.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Somebody pretending to be from centrelink saying I have PAY DUE today.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
rebate on hot water
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Being used for the scam 'Mum this is my new number, I smashed my phone'.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
He is a scammer. don’t trust him
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
No message. Did not speak. Hung up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
they are a scam looking for people to login to their fake Mygov site they will send a link of the following: onlineaustraliaservces.org

there is a missing i in the word service
if you put your details in that website you will have your mygov and centerlink account taken from you so please do not open that link and do anything within the website
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Rang and left no message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Rang but not leave message. I block it
Posted by Anonymous
on October 9, 2024
Another caller who did not leave a message SCAMMER
Posted by Graham
on October 12, 2024
had a fraudulent charge on my CCard with this number as a reference
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Pretending to be common wealth bank- they know my name
Posted by E
on October 12, 2024
This number alaways call our landline, I egnore asking questions but I don't trust ,survey scam ..
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Rung me at 12:53 pm (midday), unrecognised number, only rung once
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Previously reported as telemarketers
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
I accidently called back - Optus advises the nuumber is disconnected - another one to block!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
not sure who called. but it said it was from Australian government.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Supposably ringing from a Cleaning and Maintenance Company..............................

Another annoying bastard........................Scammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Text was
Medical claims:servisauvs.xyz
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
I just got the same text for the same number. Not a chance I’m clicking the link they provided. The link is different but the message is the same, as in the phone number provided.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Called, no message, i called back and optus said disconnected
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Received an SMS with a fake hyperlink to "Medical claims" with "Servisaud" - perhaps imitating Services Australia. DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK.
Posted by Vicsshit
on October 12, 2024
Vic's maxi s h 1 t buses busses that are guaranteed to breakdown and not roadworthy for travel

Avoid the place like the plague I'm serious

Vic's maxi transport what a joke vans look like a circus coming to town
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
No voice mail left,likely scam call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
I go any get a shovel then to go get a dead root
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Call was from Newtown in Victoria. They didn’t leave a message. Been a few calls recently from that area so presume it’s just scammers busy at work.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Voicemail message left: "Artificial service press one for English press two for chinese" rest of message in chinese.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 10, 2024
WhAts the youngest girl down there
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Constantly calling me since getting new phone number through work. Debt collector saying that I owe them money for an origin electricity account. My energy is via AGL and always has been. Block the number as they are rude and won’t take no for an answer.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
they left a message press
1 for liberal
2 for labor
3 for independant
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Called me saying i have beautiful tits and started the call with hello is that... (my name), and i said yes and then he said you have beautiful tits, i luckily hung up before he continued.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Called and didn’t leave a message. Have blocked.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
called back but could not be conected
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
I answered the call and had some ai complaining about how I'd kept everyone awake with loud music. It's adaptive and won't let you get a word in and threatened me in the end. I thought it was a prank call from a radio station
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Whose phone number is this
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Says name then silence
Posted by Dave
on October 12, 2024
Medical claims SCAM!!!!
Medical claims:servisauvs.xyz
Posted by Melbz
on October 12, 2024
Unknown caller who doesn’t leave message. No voicemail message then block
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
the number called, and I answered, but they hung up at once and didn't have any message.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Scams fast food places all the time!!!!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
One work text that I am deleting.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Medical claims and a link
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
One word text I have ignored and will delete.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
says "medical claims" and a link
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
I got a text message form this number, just one word but no idea who they are will delete.
Posted by Patricia
on October 12, 2024
Who is calling me because they do not leave a message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Spam text sending a .xyz link at 3am.
Posted by Kez
on August 30, 2024
I’ve blocked over 20 variations of this number. Sometimes I get 3 calls a day and if I answer they hang up. Getting beyond a joke. Do Not Call register doesn’t make any difference.
Posted by Jean Pierre
on October 12, 2024
I got call during the night, insistantly x 5 times
Posted by Mike
on October 12, 2024
Receive text message saying - Medical claims :ilraiuass.xyz
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Text message comes up : Medical claims: eaau.xyz.
Also had calls from two other mobile numbers with same message but different ‘domain’ - ilraiuass.xyz
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
I purchased a one off raffle ticket 3 years ago and they now ring all the time. I don’t answer and my number is on the do not call register .
Posted by Damien
on October 12, 2024
I would like to know who has been texting me from this number as they were pretending to be someone else in a number of text messages to me. Thanks
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Called me 6 times but no voicemail
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
It was a message to be opened written medical services it’s a hoax
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Comes from Newtown Victoria, a known scammer haven.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
solar rebate program.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Car wrecker car flipper con artist
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Spambot! Multiple texts with nonsense content.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Unknown caller who didn't leave a message. Likely a telemarketer or a scam.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 12, 2024
Informing me of a medical claim and asking me to click the link.
Posted by Anon
on October 12, 2024
Called late at night, asked if I was “not me”I said no and she said of course you are and that was my name??? She wouldn’t tell me what she wanted or how she had my number. Very rude. T
The same women’s voice called me 3 times this week off different numbers
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
phishing sms. do not click links
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Supposedly Medicare. Scam Lol
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Phone filtered call as SPAM
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Almost 50 calls over 18 months. No message. All times of day & night. How can we completely block this? It's crazy.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Medical claims:servishau.top
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Did not answer call, they left a voicemail in Chinese
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
0447 681 533 Received message from this number supposedly from MyGOV my new EFT has been amended. Bunch of SCAMMERS!!!
Posted by Sue Finnie
on October 11, 2024
They say it is a Community Engagement survey about politics in Australia and asked me questions about my political preferences
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Immigration scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Immigration scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Immigration scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
poss scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Text message. "Ram ram, it's Trish.
Pdt Bharats wife."
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
I have had a few calls from different mobile numbers that go straight to call notification due to my phone not recognising the caller. When I have called back it goes straight to recorded message stating it is a message service wanting to help.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Lady books appoiintments and then wont pay
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Repeatedly called when I declined the call.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
When you go to the notification settings online the only account type you can't seem to set notifications on is for credit cards. Obviously there is a monetary benefit to ANZ when you miss your payment date.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Scam call. When you ring back there is no identifying name only message saying they will ring you back.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
job scammer
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Looking for christian after hold music
Posted by Rod Bridge
on October 11, 2024
Trying to trace caller details
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Called me 8.38pm. I didn't answer!! Glad I didn't.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Didn't recognise the number so didn't answer and they didn't leave a message, came up on the phone as suspect and looks like the old solar rebate scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Posted by Barbara
on October 11, 2024
I answered but they hung up, will these morons ever stop?
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Repeated calls - no one there on pickup - automated? possible scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
If they don't leave a message, they're a Scam !!
Posted by Murdoch Troon
on October 11, 2024
A rude Asian woman phoned asking to come value our house. When I declined she became belligerent. Avoid this idiot.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Had a call from this interstate number for me, didn't answer, no message left
Posted by Warwick
on October 11, 2024
Reported elsewhere by numerous people.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Called me twice at about 7:30pm iPhone says it’s from Sydney when I tried to call back it said the number was no longer in service
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
I answered the call and they ended the call.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Flagged as suspected spam, I didn't answer and no message was left.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Flagged as suspected spam, I didn't answer and no message was left.
Posted by LB
on October 11, 2024
Refer to subject line
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Message about a claim and a link to clink! Most likely a scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
I received a missed phone from 0480 041 847 at 7:07pm and they did not leave a message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
I did a compare the market for car insurance 2 hours later got 3 calls from this number. I didnt answer checked this website and then blocked the number.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Hello! This is a short Community Engagement survey about politics in Western Australia. Please click the link to participate:
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
no one talked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Called me at 7pm on a Friday?!?!? What on earth?
Posted by Liv
on October 11, 2024
Im scared
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
NSW number. No message left. Probable spam. Blocked.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Message read; Medical claims:uaea.xyz. Scammer!
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Rang me at 6.11pm and again at 6.15pm. I rang them back and got recorded message to say they would call back. The Recorded Message didn't say who they are.
Posted by LaoK
on October 11, 2024
Dental Clinic
Falcon WA 6210
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Don’t answer if you do , if you block him he comes back on a different, number
Posted by Ron
on October 11, 2024
Called me twice, saying they had a compensation payment for me, seemed to know, my email address, and full name and phone contact. wanted more info, from me, refused, and then hung up on my end. Scam written all over it. called back number, with no ring tone. Please be aware.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
''North Lakes Dental Care''
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Called a bunch of times, I never picked up. Finally picked up on the 5 th time and then they instantly hung up.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
no message left
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
I never answer a call from a number I don't know so unsure if this was a scam call or not. If in doubt cop out.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
When you ring back you get a message "This number is not in service". So its a Scam, just block
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Fishing for property sales
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Asian voice said that i was recieving this call because i had missed an important call from the australian government. i hung up and deleted the number and blocked the contact.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Returned the call and a pre recorded nswering service picks up. Accent is an australian woman. Same exact message has been attached to several numbers. It says hello and thankyou for calling all of our consultants are busy right now. Then i hang up.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Scam call from an online casino company with Indian telescammers. Be great if someone hacked them and stole everything they've stolen from other
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Have called the past couple of days, called back and the number has been disconnected
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
iPhone says it was a call from Cairns City, Queensland. I have no business with anyone from there. Automatic message just says "UNAVAILABLE", loud beeps then hangs up the call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
2024 and this number is still answering as NewPsych Psychologists. Most likely they had a cancellation and were offering an appointment (I'm on their waiting list and also received texts).
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Fake ATO website attached.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Multiple Unsolicited calls today. Out of curiousity I rang them back. Automatic message saying "you have rung a 'Hosted Contact Centre Service'. You may be contacted again in the future".

Nope, I've now blocked them.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
This is a scam number
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
SMS - scam message - says it's from ATO and to check your inbox via a link https://2024-lodge-refunds.top/au/
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
guys a pervert whoever he is
Posted by Billy Hunt 😂
on October 11, 2024
Never leaves a text. One of many fake pH numbers.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Property Me
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
call 6 to 7 times a day different number each time. just let it go to message but they dont leave a message.
I will not call them back
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
They didn't leave a message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
knew my name
hung up on them as thought was a scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
So sick of them calling on different numbers
Posted by Kiki
on October 11, 2024
She had my name and told me my friend Martin had reserved three complementary passes for me; allegedly a Gym at Yeerongpilly, in Brisbane.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Looking for neighbours of a person who allegedly owes them money. Surely this is illegal.
Posted by Muhammed Lee
on October 11, 2024
I was called by tis number and talked to a rotten little boy who asked for my name so he called check if I was interested and if I qualified for doing a review for a restaurant I said no and he then started swearing and shouting at me.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Blocked and they called from this number. Awful company.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Unsolicited call
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Scam call. Left voicemail saying in a robotic voice "you have notification, you have emergency document, press 1 for english, press 2 for chinese" etc etc
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Pay your debt
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Caller did not leave message when call went to answer phone
Posted by scammer
on October 11, 2024
Just do not answer this crap from low life idiots
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Scam call looking to extract money
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
🚨Beware More Scammers🚨
They say they are Health Insurance
I say p off and get a real life
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Wanting to switch my energy plans. Hard push to sign up. Obviously based out of a large Indian call centre.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
I have been receiving these calls for a month, with different the two last digits changed. Up to 25 different numbers. Very annoying.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
This call was unwelcome
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Some HR recruitment service provider. Did not provide my number to them.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Didn't leave message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Does anyone know whose number this is? I get called by this number at least once a day over the last week.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Area code 0352 is for Colac Victoria. Identified as spam on my phone. I did not answer and no message was left.
Posted by LB
on October 11, 2024
Offering a free financial service.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
They call - when you say hello, no answer?
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Persistent caller, presume robot call as leaves two minutes of beeps on answering machine then hangs up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Scam. Pretend to be Immigration and told I have problem with my visa. when I am a citizen.
Posted by George
on October 11, 2024
I didn't answer this unknown number. It left a robot message in Chinese so obviously just more scammers.
Posted by Iz
on October 11, 2024
Rang but didn’t leave a message.
Posted by Anon
on October 11, 2024
Prank call
Posted by Patty cake
on October 11, 2024
Continual SPAM. in not with nrma and never have been, i dont even own a car
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Scam call about hot water replacement.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Possible spam call no message left
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
First got call on Wednesday, when i answered they were talking about a cleaning and inspecting roof company, i said no thanks and hung up. They have tried to call me again twice today (missed calls). I assume either scam call or call centre.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Claiming to be a Customer Service Representative for the company Walt Disney. This is apart of a WhatsApp scam and seems to be very sophisticated. Please be very careful and do not trust this number.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
I got a few calls from this number and never answer unless I know who the caller is. The last they called they left a message and it is definitely from Lendi Home Loans. It makes sense as I made inquire online.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Offering some electricity deal, wanting your metre number. Claimed to work for a company called Electricity Club based in Melbourne.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Unknown. No msg left.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
This number will message you on WhatsApp, claiming to be a girl named "Maddy" and try to recruit you to a online movie ratings company. This is a complete scam. Please be very careful.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Random call no message listed as suspected spam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Got 3 calls from this numbers around 2:08pm today, no voice mail, don't know and worried it's spam.
Posted by Thomas
on October 11, 2024
Old Old Old fake profile bad ugly lier 0414 676 900
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
When was the last train or bus from Shepparton to Melbourne
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
This name rang me, I picked up and they asked 'is this my name' and I said yes and then they went 'ohh' and then hung up.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
I received a call from this number a week ago and I didn't answer because I thought it was a scam call until i looked up the number and saw this page. I never called them back but I have now received 14 calls from them within one week. Definitely getting annoyed with these calls. I have not left them and gone to a new provider so there is no need to call me to offer me a discounted rate to stay...
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
dint pick up
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Left message to see if I am interested in selling my property, replied that I am on Do not call register, obviously that doesn’t matter to them as they called again almost 2 weeks later. Have put complaint in to Do not call register!! Let’s hope that works!!!
Posted by Anonymous
on August 26, 2024
Called 5 times whilst I left my mobile in the car for
a few minutes and didn't leave a message
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Obviously spam as they did not leave a message. Blocked
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
This number called 3 times in a row. Came up as a scam call on my mobile. When I answered they wouldn't disclose who she was or who she worked for until I verified who I was, stating it was a serious personal matter. She also said they've tried contacting me via txt and email. All lies so I knew it was a scam and hung up.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Trying to scam my pay pal account
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Said he was from Westpac and tried to get my personal details. Admitted he was in Phillipines but wouldn't give me address. Gave me a "salary number" I could confirm he worked for Westpac: L195357
Posted by Jenny
on October 11, 2024
I assume scammer pretending to be real estate agent
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Keep getting multiple calls from this number and another number that is similar to this one. I never answer it and they never leave a voicemail
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Received pre-recorded message saying I had missed an Important call from Australian government and to press.....reported and blocked.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Said "something concierge" then I realize it's a wine concierge. Couldn't realize what he said because the line was breaking up, so I asked, "I'm sorry I couldn't hear you, can you say that again". But the voice on the side kept talking and asking questions like we were having a conversation. So, I realized it was an AI bot as well. I hung up and blocked. I recently bought two wines from 2...
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Keeps calling from this number. Doesn't leave a message. Think it's spam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Got a text saying they had medical files with a link to click on. I did not click on the link
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Said was stephen. He said he got my contact from whatsap. I am not on that. Blocked him
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Soon as o answered recorded voice said goodbye immediately another scam
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Has called me twice, when I call back, the number just rings out...not sure who it is
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
The call was automated asking me to confirm my year of birth. Why would I provide those to a computer.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
they said they are calling from Australian federal police
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
We paid them to do a pest inspection last year and then they gave a very high quote to treat the termites so we went with someone else. Calling trying to get business.
Posted by Anonymous
on October 11, 2024
Picked up and they said their name and company before asking if "name" was in but they had stepped out.
Asked if they could call back in an hour before I came to check here.
I could here people in the background liek a call centre.