Comments on (08) 6263 6363

Spam Score
12 complaints this year, 149 total complaints

12 complaints this year, 149 total complaints

Search Results for (08) 6263 6363

Names found on this computer

Westnet Pty Ltd


24 Sangiorgio Ct, Osborne Park WA 6017, Australia


0 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Primus Telecommunications Pty Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

June 2009

Other Formats

/(08) 6263 6363

Comments on (08) 6263 6363


Posted on August 19, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
(08) 6263 6363 called 3 times after 12 pm. No idea who called, just heard sound of typing when I picked up the message. Creepy
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Posted on August 9, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This number keeps calliing me but doesnt leave a message. If you want to speak with me leave a message, if you dont I will presume its not important and you dont wish me to call back.
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Posted on August 2, 2018
Caller type: Call centre
Location: Australia
Caller: IINET

I have my landline purely for Internet reasons and all calls are blocked and my mobile is all I use.

I pay to show call numbers received and rang this number and it was IINET. I rang on my mobile and the useless support staff said nobody called and this was not their number. They don't seem to have a clue what is going on even though I have changed my contact numbers online they still insist on using my landline to try and contact me. They can't seem to comprehend that I do not use my landline anymore for calls... just my mobile. Their solution was to either transfer all my calls to my mobile number (Sheesh) or make my line a silent number at a cost, (double sheesh). They couldn't comprehend that I DO NOT WANT TO USE MY LANDLINE NUMBER FOR CALLS.

As for technical support... what a joke. A problem that should have been fixed in 10 minutes took hours because of their totally inept technical people. I fixed it myself in the end. I'm not going to waste more time by going through the gory details.

I have been with them for ten years and told them that I wasn't happy. Their solution. Would you like to cancel the service.

Rule No. 1 in any support service. Don't suggest cancelling off the bat. It is like drawing a line in the sand. It's a lose lose situation but I think I will changes ISPs due to this appalling approach.

They were good... but are now abysmal. Worse support I've had the misfortune to come across.
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Posted on July 31, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Called me at 2am WTF!!!!
I am a iinet customer but no reason at all for them to be calling me let alone at 2am!!!! About to call them back and ask WTF!!!!
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Posted on July 20, 2018
Caller type: Service
Location: Australia
Caller: (08) 6263 6363

Turned out to be a genuine call back from iinet to me. Two techs in different locations were working on the same problem I logged, unknown to one another until the second guy rang me. I'll call iiNet and raise it with them. I've never had any issues with their service, so let see if they know this is happening, and can tighten up their procedures.
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Posted on June 29, 2018
Caller type: Prank call
Location: Australia
Caller: iiNet Sales

After receiving many prank calls (3 rings or less), I contacted iiNet via their support website (I am an iiNet customer). They initially denied that the calls were from iiNet, but I persisted, and they have now admitted that the calls came from iiNet Sales, supposedly trying to contact me about the fact that NBN is now available at my address.

WTF?? - Since when is persistent pranking an acceptable method of contacting customers???

What about people who don't have Calling Number Display and maybe don't even know about *10# ? - How are they supposed to know someone wants them to call back? And why should customers even have to call back (and get stuck in a queue) just to be given information that they probably didn't want in the first place?

I used to like Netspace - then they got taken over by iiNet and the service went downhill - then iiNet got taken over by TPG, and the service is now in the gutter.....
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Posted on June 27, 2018
Caller type: Prank call
Location: Australia
Caller: iiNet call centre

These clowns have been prank calling me all day (at last count 6 times) - they never let the phone ring long enough for me to answer it. By any definition that is spam. Shame on you iiNet.
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Posted on May 31, 2018
Caller type: Service
Location: Australia
iiNet. All good
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Posted on May 15, 2018
Caller type: Unsolicited call
Location: Australia
Caller: iiNet

Got spammed on multiple calls from this number saying they are iiNet and are responding to an email inquiry. The only problem is I NEVER sent them an email.
IMO, this is nothing but a con job from iiNet who use the excuse of responding to an inquiry in order robot-call phone numbers and then use pickups to try and sell you stuff when you say you never asked for assistance.
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Posted on May 4, 2018
Caller type: Company
Location: Australia
e-mailed iinet support because i want a written response that I can read at a later time. it even explicitly asks on their support form for a preferred contact method, which i selected as e-mail.As if that wasn't bad enough they only waited a single ring before hanging up. I had barely picked my phone up before they gave up.
The irony is i was asking if they could match a Belong mobile plan, or if there was any reason i shouldn't switch provider given how sh*t their customer support has become, which was the only thing separating them from other providers previously.
This is what you get for selling out iinet; another lost customer.
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Posted on April 11, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Call back from iiNet
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Posted on March 11, 2018
Caller type: Call centre
Location: Australia
Well yes, Ed, there you you go. Have't you ever thought that it may be inconvenient to receive a call no matter what the hour. Some people do prefer to communicate with these organisations by eMail for whatever reason. I prefer to because often the calls come at an inconvenient time and also if I communicate by eMail then there is a verbatim record of the discourse. I have been with iiNet for years and generally the internet service I receive is great but when it comes to customer service it can be very poor especially with their South African Call Centre Staff. With a few exceptions they seem to have a very belligerent attitude.
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Posted on March 11, 2018
Caller type: Call centre
Location: Australia
This is indeed iiNet. Yep I agree with you, If I send an email common courtesy dictates that I should receive a reply by eMail and the same if I make a call, the reply should be with a call.
But there is no such thing as common courtesy when it comes to iiNet Call Centre Staff in South Africa. Most will not even listen to the problem I am trying to describe to them and inside on going through their "Cheat Sheet" point by point even though I was on about my 4th call to try and sort the problem (an outage that had gone on for days) out. The staff insisted there was no general outage in my area even though other people on both iiNet and other carriers told me otherwise.
When I once said to one of them (politely) "This is Bullsh*t" she said she was going to cut me off for swearing. I explained that in the Australian vernacular "bullsh*t was not swearing she argued that in her opinion it was and she promptly cut me off. Now is that Bullsh*t or is it Bullsh*t ?
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Posted on March 11, 2018
Caller type: Unsolicited call
Location: Australia
Really? Do iiNet have to call me Sunday morning 9am?
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Posted on February 7, 2018
Caller type: Company
Location: Australia
Call back from iinet support at 6am despite telling them to call in the evening.

They really should learn about timezones.
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Posted on January 15, 2018
Caller type: Service
Location: Australia
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Posted on December 16, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I recently had to change over to the nbn.IInet change me over without any problems.The problems occurred when they tried to connect us to netphone which we had previously on adsl..The people I spoke with were very courteous and nothing was too much trouble for them.It took a couple of days for them to connect our netphone and is now up and running..The biggest problem with iinet is their customer service number 132258.their menu is very frustrating ,when you put in a number for a service you require it just keeps telling you about the rest of the menu then at the end.They kept on telling me the number wasn't put in.It is very frustrating..In the end we found a number in PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA (08) 6263 6363 and they sorted out all our problems. 10/10 for PERTH.
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Posted on November 24, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Thanks to feed back, I now know who owns this number, Iinet. And thanks to Jeff who thinks the same way I do. They used to be good except for all the slow speed problems I have had with them. I have been looking else where but the only one worth looking at now own Iinet, TPG. Non understandable call center lingo is some thing I simply hang up on. I am going through connecting to NBN now, we'll see what that brings. Ross.
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Posted on November 19, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Calling at 8am on a Sunday? That's some pretty special customer service. If they truly gave a damn, they'd leave a message. But they never do. Yes, iinet used to be exemplars for service, but since they got bought out and moved customer service offshore, it's a whole new world of frustration.
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Posted on November 15, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
this is iiNet
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