Comments on (07) 3846 7555

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 158 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 158 total complaints

Search Results for (07) 3846 7555

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SHOP 2 52 Merivale St, South Brisbane Qld 4101, Australia


5 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

June 2013

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/(07) 3846 7555

Comments on (07) 3846 7555


Posted on May 6, 2014
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
God he's still at it! I've heard from a reliable source that he is playing on his illness, getting people to support him (which in and of itself isn't a bad thing for people with mental illness of course, but when it's Wayne, there's always an ulterior motive), guilting people into working with him, and scamming money/grants for his "art". It's just sick when he owes thousands and thousands of dollars, that he can get tax-payer money to continue his disgraceful fraud, when the people he's ripped off get nothing. Shameful.
1 found this comment helpful


Posted on July 23, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Charlie,

any updates on the situation?
thank you
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Posted on February 20, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
OMG I can't believe this is still going! Surely there is something the police or the courts could do about him?!?!?! The system is truly screwed :-(
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Posted on July 3, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Also add this phone number to it - his mobile: 0430 564 401
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Posted on July 3, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Click here to find more complaints and to leave your own! Please don't be embarrassed - he needs to be stopped! 3846 7555
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Sample complaints we have found for (07) 3846 7555

The Truth

It is very rare that Wayne Jaye will pull your profiles down off the website, even after a legal document or termination is submitted. It literally takes less than 30 second to delete a profile using the back end of the website - and I know because I used to update models profiles when I used to work there. He is a lazy f****it who is unreliable and never does what he promises. I too spent many months working for Wayne and was never paid a cent. The process at small claims / the department of fair trading takes a couple of months to come through - but I strongly suggest to everyone who has been unfairly treated to take this measure - as every little complaint is a step closer to closing down epatant.How can epatant pay you back, when the agency itself doesn't earn any money? Wayne Jaye has no money and relies on government handouts and accomodation. He lives in a s*** hole in the scrubs with other mental illness patients and moves everytime someone that wants him hurt finds him again. The only member of staff that I am aware of at current is one of his models Jess Shields. He's got no creative team (does hair and makeup - badly mind you - by himself. Takes all the models photos - badly - by himself, in his garage with a s*** camera and no professional equipment. What little money he does get out of models goes straight into his own bank account, and covers his rent and food - so if your expecting portfolios, pictures, comp cards etc... Trust me when I say you wont be seeing them - ever. Same goes for work. He has no professional bookers on board, its just Jess Shields and himself. The industry laughs at epatant. It's not a modeling agency it is a blatant scam run by a master con artist.Soon enough, Jess Shields will snap out of his trance and realise that she too has been played. Please, please complain to the department of fair trading. This has to stop.


wayne jaye is a total a***ole and he will get what he deserves....i promise!!!!!he must watch his back and as im not one to let it go.....


Lucky: Thats really lucky I am happy for you! I am glad that more and more people finally knows about him! I am at exactly same situation. My contract expired long time ago, however, my photos are still on the web!!!!!75% of all girls and guys on the web would love their pix to be removed. However, Wayne wont do it. If he ever approach you to work for him PLEASE PLEASE think 10 times!!!!!

Gaurdian Angel

To Scared and worried ,Do not be afraid of this man .Hes all bluff you actually hold all the cards. Go and seek legal advice .Contact the police If he threatens you. Do not let his Bi Polar disorder make you feel sorry for him. That is what he wants you to do.
              Wayne Jayes  Birth name was Wayne Kerslake. He just had it changed. When things heated up for him in South Australia. So next time you see him say to him How are you going Wayne Kerslake .Let his cogs start turning for once. Then tell him you are not paying one red cent and you want all goods that you payed for or a total refund. Then end the conversion with thankyou Mr Kerslake or is that Mr Jaye .    

This also applies to any other person  that he owes money or goods to ....Do exactly the same thing :But also seek legal advice as well.....He cannot be allowed to continue and rip others off.


wayne may be sick, but he has done nothing but screw people over. he owes a lot of people money and one of them is me. i would never some back to the angency unless i know that he is 100% out of there and has nothing to do with it.

but in the mean time can anyone tell me some good angencies?


Lol at charlie
Is he one of waynes multiple personalities?!

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