Comments on 0488 878 791

Spam Score
36 complaints this year, 36 total complaints

36 complaints this year, 36 total complaints

Comments on 0488 878 791


Posted on January 25, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Unknown mobile call to my landline. No message was recorded so I am left to assume yet another scam or nuisance call, hence reporting the number here.
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Posted on February 6, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Allegedly Visa

Claimed there were suspicious activities on my credit card and was want my card validation date. they tried very hard to get me to give it but the other details they tried to convince me were several years out of date.
Bad luck Richard head
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Posted on January 29, 2024
Caller type: Unsolicited call
Location: Australia
Caller: Experience Technology

Received a call from this unknown number but rang to see who it was. Experience Technology. Don't know them, didn't ask them to call and I certainly don't care that I am #20 in the Call Queue because I won't be hanging around. Number is now blocked.
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Posted on January 30, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Thailand
Answered and hung up
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Posted on February 1, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Claimed to be from Amazon

Answered despite being alerted as potential scam call. Voice said it was from Amazon. Hung up and blocked number.
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Alexis Newrose

Posted on January 30, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
As the ringtone sounded, on my screen were the words "Potential Fraud". I assume Telstra is the source of that warning. Suffice to say I didn't answer the call.
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Posted on February 9, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
States he was from Telstra NBN and that I need to log onto my computer and fix the issues. When I hang up he rang me back from a landline (07) 2113 2459 and was cross that I had hung up on him and stated he wanted no money. I proceed to hang up again and blocked his numbers
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Posted on February 16, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Scam said they were Telstra

Said they were Telstra with a discount offer. They had all my personal information, email address, Telstra phone number, my full name, address. I asked if I can call back the main Telstra line and if they would be able to assist and they said yes, however the proper Telstra number said it was a scam. Scary they already had all my personal details.
Don’t answer, don’t call back, don’t engage with them!
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Posted on February 16, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Did not leave a message so presumed to be a scam call. I have blocked the number.
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Posted on February 16, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Recorded message about Visa card concern - but I don't have a Visa card :)
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Posted on February 15, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Definitely scammers tried to tell me a transaction on my ebay acct was about to go through from California for $500 & that my account had been compromised by several people signing in on 21st January & if i sign in from my apple mobile with a special security number that they will give me it would cancel the transaction. Funniest thing is i dont even have an apple phone. LOL
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Posted on February 15, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Did not answer - recorded message left - unsure of context but I had options to press 1 then recording changed to chinese - deleted message & blocked number
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Posted on February 15, 2024
Caller type: Company
Location: Australia
Caller: Experienced Technology

they called on this mobile 0488 878 794 saying I had two suspicious amounts from Wld & Canada & wanted me to give them my security number in the back of my card . They were very suspicious so I hung up
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Posted on February 14, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Amazon Scam

Called from 3 different numbers today.
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Posted on February 13, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Scam

Claimed to be fraud department and asking if authorised payment to NZ this morning of $900
When I asked what bank they (he/indian) replied Westpac
I asked why are you calling me and they hung up
f*cking scumbags
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Posted on February 13, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
From a call centre said they were from credit card security and knew my name. Hung up when I questioned them and threatened to report them. Definitely a scam
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Posted on February 13, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Czech Republic
Caller: Supposedly Telstra

Supposedly from Telstra regarding internet cutting out but when I said you’re not from Telstra are you she hung up
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Posted on February 12, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Scam Indian suggesting fraudulent activity on my credit card
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Posted on February 12, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: 0488 878 791

Said I had to pay my tax bill immediately or I'm going to jail
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Posted on February 12, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Said calling about a $900 transaction on my account for me to verify, first said Commonwealth bank then ANZ, when I replied that I didn’t bank with either and said was he guessing, he said no. Then he asked where I banked as my account at the NAB had been compromised and I just hung up and blocked the number.
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