Comments on +61 441143607832

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on +61 441143607832


Posted on May 16, 2019
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Claimed to be from SOLID TECH

They tried three times in three days. My iPhone displayed the number originated form Sheffield England. The third time I did take the call and it was an Indian voice telling me their company was liquidating but wanted to reimburse me for a lifetime computer service I had paid for apparently two years ago. When I asked the name of the company the voice said Solid Tech but they had recently had a name change. I explained that I didn't have a computer service done and have not dealt with Solid Tech or any other company. At this point I began to suspect they wanted my account details. So I said I have not paid for a service and did not feel right taking a refund. Without notice the caller then disconnected.
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