Comments on 1800 823 081

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0 complaints this year, 11 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 11 total complaints

Comments on 1800 823 081


Posted on December 26, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia

***Apple Security Warning***.

Browser Blocked for Security Reasons.

Apple has detected that a porn virus has infected your system and trying to steal pictures , data and social networking passwords.This is a serious hacking issue.Rectify it immediately as soon as possible.
Tell this error code to the Customer service representative.

Your Remote incoming connections are currently in open state.


Consequently we are performing additional security checks to verify the source of the attack and have halted all your system resources in order to prevent any additional damage to your system and information.

Please ensure you do not restart your computer to prevent system and data loss.
System generated automatic warning.

Ignoring will Cause a Permanent Damage to the System.
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Posted on December 28, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yep, that got me today as well
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Posted on March 26, 2016
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
I just had the same thing and the person I was talking to gained control of my computer and then started opening all the camera apps and opening my photos to try and see who I was so be careful!!
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SMH @ stupitidy

Posted on January 30, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I was just looking through this and came across this page here..... really how stupid can some of you be? Do you not watch news? Read papers? Use google? Facebook?

There have been millions of warning against these types of scams..... and yet you are stupid enough to let them in AND give them your money?

I wonder how some of you manage to even turn on a computer.
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Posted on January 25, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I got a pop up on my laptop saying the exact thing as above. As stupid as I am, I called the number and a guy with an Indian accent answered and told me I need to pay in order to get it fixed. I told him I would call him again but he said he would stay on the line no matter what which awoke my suspicion because I could hear him hesitating when I told him I would call him back. Luckily, my dad came in and saw and he told me it was a scammer and immediately told me to shut the computer down and end the call as well. I disconnected the wifi from the laptop and wiped everything off. But to make sure, can someone tell me how to make sure nothing's on my laptop? Thanks
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Posted on January 22, 2016
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Same also happened to me, and I'm not fooled easily. Unfortunately I had a lot on my mind, so simply span into panic mode which dulled my normal senses.

I let them remotely access, gave my credit card details, went to the loo & came to my senses.

I Disconnected from them by switching the laptop off, contacted the bank and fingers crossed all will be ok.

I will take my laptop to a friend to check for Malware, and the bank will disputed the charges as fraud.

They got me on a bad day, and even had the cheek to call me& leave several messages in my voicemail.

So I will say, this can obviously happen to anyone, because everyone has a bad day sometime!!
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Posted on January 6, 2016
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
This just happened to me. Exact message as above. It seemed legit. I rang the number and allowed a guy with an Indian accent to remote log into my machine. He listed out all the things that were wrong and got to the part where I needed to pay USD$199 to have a technician fix it. I was instantly suspect. I disconnected him from the remote. First Thing I did was turn the firewall back on and encrypt my hard drive. Hopefully that will sort it out. Also, you can hold down shift and open safari to get rid of the dialogue box.
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Posted on January 3, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I also got this warning and rang the number. Luckily no one answered. I then googled and rang the correct support number and they there were able to clear any malware off computer too. The real number for online support is 1300 321 456
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Posted on January 2, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
the same thing happen to me i call them a lady ask to allow her to access my computer but i did not allow her to access my pc just because of no trust i though it could be a scam
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Posted on December 28, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
the same thing happened to me but became really pushy when I said id think about it, have they been able to access your computer still?
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Posted on December 28, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
The message popped up today for me as well! But the problem is: I have never experienced something like that before, I was using my MUM'S laptop, and I was so worried I didn't notice the grammatical errors. Oh, and the fact that I'm only 11, but anyways.
Then there also was the issue of the laptop being in Chinese mode (so everything is Chinese since my mum is) but I can't read Chinese myself. So I was stupidly tricked into linking the laptop with the scammers', and I told them the credit card number and everything, with our phone numbers, addresses, names...
Luckily my dad realised what was happening when he came home; unluckily today is Boxing Day and all the banks were closed so we couldn't change our information.
And also, they target Apple and Windows?! That's just cruel and mean etc.
I live in Australia, so I'm interested if anyone in another country has got it. And do we call the police, or what? I don't have much experience.
It's probably lucky that no money was stolen.
I feel so sorry for anyone who was tricked.
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Posted on December 27, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
they just entered my computer as I thought they were Microsoft support. Then they wanted me to enter my card details so I could pay them to get a virus off. I didn't enter my details and changed my pass codes on another device, I hope they cannot access my computer still. any how I will be taking it to tech to sort it out
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Posted on December 19, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
These people are SCAMMERS..
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