Comments on 0499 392 933

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0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on 0499 392 933


Posted on June 2, 2020
Caller type: Unsolicited call
Location: Australia
Caller: Multiple people

People from the Tasmanian region continue to call me looking for Wendy I even had some guy ring me accusing me of stealing Wendy’s phone whilst I’m in Labor with my son in Melbourne. Debt collection after debt collection. I feel I know Wendy better then most of her friends if their not been advised of her new number. It’s been over a year now and I still receive more calls for a Wendy than I do my personal. She”s a very poplar lady with extremely loyal friends. Wish I had a few of them lol anyways thanks telstra for adding yet more inconvenience to my already busy life. Telstra it’s how we connect we’ll Wendy is very much still connected to this number when you recycle it to Naynay, your slogan doesn’t fool anyone “it’s how we connect. The only connections you have with your customers is the direct access to their funds. To which I can only manage 30% of the time due to lack of service or SOS mode my 5 disappointing accounts I hold with you. You use to be so good. I’m feeling extremely disconnected.
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