Comments on 0482 076 745

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Comments on 0482 076 745


Posted on September 24, 2022
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Caller: Ceilia

wanted me to use Crypto app, open an account, she would show me how to do bank transfer to invest money in virtual wallet, either in gold or US$ with her, as market climbs or falls, then sale produces massive profit; claims she is a XAU Market specialist & financier, wanted at least A$500.00 or more, said when profits exceeded
A$20,000.00 she would show me how to extract money profit, her share was 10% of profit, I would transfer to her.Very insistent with requests, she called me out of the blue on WhatsApp claiming was I a hair stylist, she was looking for advice, after talking she asked did I know anything about XAU marketing & she could help me make massive profits, very insistent over a week, I just kept putting her off, making excuses, then she started sending me photos.
I definately decided this wasn't secure, after talking with internet crime people; she was very open in her demands.
Chinese maybe 35 yrs old, said she was single living in Bronte, Sydney.
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