Comments on 0478 600 413

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Comments on 0478 600 413


Posted on September 24, 2022
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Got a strange text, which read:

"Hi mum ive smashed my phone. Can you whatsapp me heres my new number 614112 00562 x, it is urgent please"

I don't have any children and it's interesting how "my child"doesn't think to say "it's me Anna" or "it's me Tim"
Using "mum" means they don't have to choose if you have a son or daughter and pulls at emotions.
It may be a mistake, that just got my number by mistake, but it did come with a spam warning, why didn't they call if it's "urgent" - that word doesn't sound right.

It's either a message that a parent out there will absolutely recognise as their child or it's someone putting the fishing line out.
(At least I know I don't have any kids!😄)
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