Comments on 0475 284 038

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0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Comments on 0475 284 038


Posted on March 25, 2020
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Received following text message from this phone number earlier today:

"*IMPORTANT MESSAGE* We've suspended your Internet Banking access due to some unusual activity on your account. To regain access, please proceed to <dodgy-as-they-come internet portal address> - Yours sincerely. ING Security Team."

Well, isn't this interesting? I had no idea that I had an account with ING! I'm completely baffled that I didn't tell myself that I'd created an account with them! And that I use it for internet banking! Who'da thunk it? What a silly sausage I am!!!

So yeah - nuke this when you receive it, folks. ING has a set phone number (that is easily located on their main portal) that they send out messages to clients with.
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Posted on April 8, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Got a text to my mobile today and CONFIRMED with ING that its not them. Text stated:

"*IMPORTANT MESSAGE* We've suspended your Internet Banking access due to some unusual activity on your account. To regain access, please proceed to <dodgy-as-they-come internet portal address> - Yours sincerely. ING Security Team."

Do not click the link and please report to ING, even if you arent an ING customer, you can call or email ING to report phishing/scamming.
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