Comments on 0457 920 971

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0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on 0457 920 971


Posted on October 17, 2022
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Another sms from a scammer purporting to be from LINKT. It’s quite rude.
‘Your September bill is overdue, pay it now or face more fines. With a link.
Since I don’t have a car or an e tag I have no reason to have a bill. I’m really fed up with these sms messages. I seem to get 1 or 2 a day.

Don’t click on the links people. LINKT and etoll companies never text you. I used to work at a company that had a fleet of work vehicles. You always get a written reminder or penalty notice.
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