Comments on 0438 386 281

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0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on 0438 386 281

Were listening

Posted on February 25, 2018
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Do not give this guy money / he is a useless scumbag who is on the cocaine. You are just feeding this mans addiction - warn the Department of Health and Human Services, about the abuse of the children in his custody. He shouldn’t be allowed to have these huge amounts of drugs and assault children like he does.
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Anon-SO SORRY Ed and Mish

Posted on November 16, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Firstly I'm sorry to Edward, Michelle and especially the children. I was a friend of the person who is causing many of these disgusting reviews. He asked me to put some reviews up as he recently started his business similar to what Weaver does I won't mention his name but he did work for you. But when I noticed he started attacking them on a personal level and not about his business and mentioning their CHILDREN I was so appalled and couldn't believe it! I worry for the children they are beautiful and innocent and don't deserve this. I did not think he would go that low. On a personal level I really don't think Ed and Michelle are bad people at all and I lose sleep thinking what I got involved with. I'm so sorry. I hope you are okay. To everyone who has read things about them please don't take notice, it is unfair and o put anyone through that especially innocent children. You are great parents and I wish I never got involved. Im sorry. To Mr Making Trouble please stop it has gone way too far now and if the Police see this you will probably be in very big trouble. Enough is enough
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Don’t steal another mans family

Posted on April 25, 2018
Caller type: Nuisance call
Location: Australia
Sticks and stones can break windows, as you are very well aware, but Don’t start a war you cannot win.
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Posted on October 22, 2016
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Don't trust Edward weaver, his websites are just scams, call the other people on the website and ask them. They all have no google stats, they have copy written images and all the clients have never seen a paper or magazine, and when you used to print a few years ago, you just replaced inserts with different covers and just printed enough to send clients, so it fooled them, none were ever distributed. You steal from everyone, and now the tax department know the truth, you are a regular at fair work, claiming false health problems, all know about you stealing money from the company, you have been writing fake invoices which the ato was advised about last week. Stealing from Elaine after you had an affair with the bimbo at work, now your crystal dealer has left, your getting really down and now hitting the kids. Suck a weak man. Don't assault children. And don't rip off clients with lies. Get a real company ya wanker
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Mande Janetzki

Posted on July 22, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Weaver Media. Scam. They try to "sell" you an ad in their so called Victorian Country Newspaper. Invoice sent out, and payment demanded. In our case I believe they used the ad we placed in the Land. The so called proof they emailed with the invoice had wrong business name etc. Nasty to deal with.
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