Comments on 0413 206 114

Comments on 0413 206 114

Kellie North

Posted on September 28, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
A guy called from the above number (saying it was his sister-in-law's phone) advising my niece that she'd received a missed call from my niece's mobile number. It was at 12.25am this morning. My niece and her kids were asleep at this time so it baffled us as to how a) it was in dialed numbers (not in her saved contacts list tho) and b)why this guy was really vague and we were wanting to investigate further, you know if it was some kind of phone tracker or other smartphone app maybe - we have no clue who this person is. Anyway, She is beside herself because she has no memory of the call being made and thinks she's going mad - the kids swear on a stack of bibles they didn't wander in her room after midnight and make any calls TO ANYONE, so we just a bit worried that's all
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