Comments on 0402 102 079

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0 complaints this year, 129 total complaints

Comments on 0402 102 079

Headless rider

Posted on May 15, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
King of sh*t no one told you the pharaohs are all dead you dumb f*ck. My god you talk much bullsh*t and men don't cry you bullsh*t f*ck I seen you hugging and crying to the handyman but he f*cked you hard that guy has no feelings he only knows war you f*cking Egyptian Dog
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Headless rider

Posted on May 15, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
OMG jack payed someone $100 to write that. We know you are rich and powerful stop advertising it or you might get robbed again, but same problem my French you have no balls. Let me tell you a story...
You pay some one to hurt me I get hurt I will come after you the minute I get out of hospital and f*ck your life but who is going to protect you. Better idea for you is to get body guards to protect you not to attack people you dumb f*ck. And stop complaining and ringing police they don't care about your bullsh*t stories.

And what the f*ck does it mean by the circle is complete
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King of City

Posted on May 15, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am the king of the city all you children did nothing I closed my shop down and threw away the garbage units I am strong rich and more powerful than Ben and Danny you see what will happen to you two mark my words
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Ms dark

Posted on May 15, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Ms dark: much respect. Very impressive.
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Posted on May 15, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Anything that i had written about "arabs" was intended to insult only Amr Hassan not arabs in general. My father is also arab. I was under the impression that only jack would read these. But the insulting comments made about arabs please don't take it to heart if you are not hassan. Anyone who is against this rapist jack is my brother and i'll support you with anything you want.
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Posted on May 15, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
much respect for all supporters am sick of these Egyptians coming into our country and thinking they are Lebanese, you guys have our support as well, we don't consider them as Arabs cause they are not from the Middle East and I think Kidnapping him again is a good idea "We want in on this guy" we will drain him of all his Bank Accounts, money that what we are good at, and trust me he will pay.
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Handy Man

Posted on May 15, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am nothing without the support of Jack friends and especially his GF Amy thank you for giving us all that is needed to make jack go to prison ATO. Australian Tax Office loved all your documents I told you give her a visa jack she works like a dog for you and you want to throw her away in November, but besides that how is it going mate hope you like how Australian deal with Backpackers..

I heard you are getting people to hurt me good luck with that, hope to hear from you soon miss you my french
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French Connection

Posted on May 14, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Who is this Mongolian girl Ms Dark
Very strange how many enemy does jack SHREK have why is this man so hated jack please tell us.

I think he rapes women f*ck they will love you in Jail.
I know one thing the Handyman is f*cking your life, he said to me he has nothing to loose the guy doesn't care if he lives or die as long as he is with jack forever
Jack I don't think you can beat him the guy is crazy like not normal

I hope you sleep at night jack and your GF Amy is a f*cking Monster my French
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Ms Dark

Posted on May 14, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Mongolia winning over Egypt in grand final

Egypt -100 units jail time council even f*ck him too
Mongolia guys win by a knock out

Tell me if the circle is complete. hey mother f*cker I have your mums number now in Egypt thanks to Mohammed he gave me, your friend Micheal your best friend am going to call her and hopefully giver her a heartache why not take her head off too you big organised gangster

0011 (02) 0106 4417544 mum
0011 (02) 0127 8568321 sister maybe
0011 (02) 0122 2653991 DaD

Haha I found his family can you beat that Boyz
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You're not a handyman.

Posted on May 14, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Handyman? He's not a handyman. He's a f*cking legend. Bringing down a rapist theif coward. That's the definition of a hero. Well done mate. Keep up what ever you and the other vigilantes are doing. A lot of people are on your side.
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Christmas in May!

Posted on May 14, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Guess it's time to open up that Champagne bottle! Can't wait for the f*cker to go to jail for a while before dying just after he steps out of prison ;)
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Stupid jack 707/33 ultimo road, ultimo.

Posted on May 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hahaha jack is not a man, just a girl hiding in 707/33 ultimo road. He needs to pay backpackers to pretend to be terrorists hahaha jack can't do anything he is too weak man. He needs to ask others to help him hahaha
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Jack is a girl hiding from everyone hahaha

Posted on May 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
He's driving a cheap white toyota prado now because he was so scared he sold his black jeep.
Licence number AHF 31J.
Car is worth maybe $7,000 maximum.
He parks it at 707/33 Ultimo Road in the carpark. His cheap silver van is also there. He is too scared to drive that because he was kidnapped in it hahaha
jack is the most weak, scared girl i ever met. Now he is scared from everyone even from girls. He can't even leave from country. He will die soon ;-)
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French Connection

Posted on May 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Why does your friends mohammed and magdi keep telling us what you are doing, they hate your guts and talk sh*t about you all the time wake up man, who side are they on Jack this is so funny. my french my french do you have any friends at all
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New Player MS Dark

Posted on May 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Too Many People are taking credit for my work mike ben this handyman as well, let me introduce myself i am Ms Dark and am here to f*ck his life as well, Watch the power of a women and what is coming to him this week this will shock everyone.
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Headless Rider

Posted on May 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I know you read this Mr Hassan here is an update do you want to know how you got f*cked up my friend it was your workers your partners everyone around you even your GF helped as well cause she found out about your rapes and cheating all the time poor baby who can you trust.

But trust me "sir" DOG it not over yet everyday there will be something for you so f*ck you but have a nice day......
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Headless Man

Posted on May 12, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Ha ha how does it feel to be a back-packer you f*cking rapist DOG, just want to welcome you to Australia, how does it feel to have your life f*cked right in front of your face, I Heard you don't even open your mouth and walk with your head down just like a DOG.

I have the balls not like you, but its not your fault you come from a line of ball-less men your great Grandfather had no Balls your Father had no Balls so where the f*ck you can get some.

my french is the circle complete yet
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Lost everything!!! :-)

Posted on May 11, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Everyone laughing now when walk past Banana Supermarket closed down. One stupid egyptian tried to be rich man but he was too stupid, lost everything! No one going to Oh La La because no one want to eat sh*t food from ugly egyptian hahaha
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Jack lost everything.

Posted on May 10, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am winner ;-)
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Ugly jack

Posted on May 6, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Jack been in australia so many years, but still he has no friend? No girlfriend? And now no business? This man is come from toilet haha no one likes him. Even his "friends" cheat him and steal from him haha
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