Comments on (02) 9643 1611

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Samoan Uniting Church In Australia


12 Frederick St, Lidcombe NSW 2141, Australia


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Comments on (02) 9643 1611

Mark Luatutu

Posted on September 20, 2018
Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
Caller: No one - found you on the webpage

My name is Mark Luatutu. People appearing in this FB do not own this article. I am Samoan born and western educated man in both the wesley methodist theological tradition and in a Secular University in the western world. The 15th UCA National assembly held in Melbourne July 2018 delivered one of biggest blows to our Samoan Culture and to the Integrity of Scripture. Make no mistake - God was dismounted and his people, those who faithfully worship and honour God's word were cheated spiritually and were bullied into submission to accept naively a sinful theology neither taught in Scripture nor supported by Christ and his death. The UCA is now an ADMINISTRATION and not providing SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP you are entitled to to face this world and its challenges. The UCA has sold out your rights to spiritual teaching and nourishment. The resolution to accept Same Sex Marriage in that dark day of Friday July 13, 2018 was when the Holy Spirit left the church. The Church is no longer an integral part of anything spiritual because it has sold itself to apostate teaching - something that is NOT in scripture and Jesus never spoke or taught. The DOVE has flown. If you are a young Samoan person growing up in a society whose bent is towards anarchy, injustice and destruction of any decency or human values the Scriptures talks about and speak against and Christ died for, the bible refers to as SIN, you need to rethink what this resolution has done to you. It has devalued your right to marriage; your right to decency, your rights to human order and norm, your rights to orthodox theological teaching, your right to have a family to 'procreate and replenish the earth' in Genesis and as ordained and constituted by God since Creation. No where in scripture Jesus taught same sex marriage - its abhorent to think that you could be bullied culturally, as a Samoan male or female created in God's image or for any young person for that matter, to accept this western 'liberal' and godless teaching neither supported by Christ or any decent theologian, nor could be understood in the light of any decent social norms. Even now society is question what is 'normal'. There are absolutes in life that is normal. Man is normal. women is normal. Man or women is not a 'they'. They were created in the image of God for the purpose of worship and procreation - to replenish to world as he promised to Abraham. If you want to debate and discuss this issue, I would love to hear from you. whatever you do, stay true to God and his word. The bible says it is a terrible (horrible) thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Don't muck around with God). who is the UCA to make a mockery of God, the Christ on the Cross and his word? Judgement of God will come upon the UCA in some form. we wait and watch this space. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. we fear God rather than man. Don't accept the resolution 65 on same sex marriage - flee from it. Progressive theological teachings of the UCA to accept 'diversity' is a man made concept to please those in the LGBTI community. May God have mercy on us for bowing down to such teachings. God loves LGBTI people but hates their behaviour. I am not an anti LGBTI. There is a fine line between separation of STATE from the SACRED - they don't mix - LGBTI is a state / federal or secular issue not a theological issue. Yes, there are LGBTI persons in our families and in the church and we continue to commit them to God. Their relationship in this space is a matter between them and God not for the CHURCH as a whole. Jesus said to the women caught in act of adultery 'has anyone condemned you" no my lord - no one. Neither do I condemn you, said Jesus. Jesus went on to say to the women GO AND SIN NO MORE'. This is where the UCA has stopped "go and sin no more' The recent resolution in the 15th assembly says "GO AND DO WHATEVER YOU LIKE - KEEP SINNNG! Ecclesia (EK KELEO) means Church. It means Ek - Out and Kaleo is to CALL. The Creek meaning of Church or Ecclesia is CALLED OUT ones. The church is not t conform to the world. The UCA has conformed to the WORLD rather than being in the world but NOT OF the world. Come ye out from amongs you says the Lord and BE YE SEPARATE says the Lord. Please stay true to God to your Culture and your families as Samoan. Honour God!!@ Call me 0428 528 420 if you want to talk or respond to me on lua22 @
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