Comments on (02) 8081 9070

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 95 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 95 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8081 9070

Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8081 9070


they just tried to get me. this is why i never answer an unknown call, google the number, and then take it from there :Pcheers everyone.


Same, just got a missed call from them, not calling them back.

I love forums!


got a call too, listened all the way through, it asks the question about the aussie flag and gives 2 answers, press 1 or press 2 to give your answer.

i didn't do anything, it asks you again then hangs up on you straight away if you do nothing.


Got the same call. WDF is goin on. Iv never received a call like this before. Iv had my number for 10 years.I know what Premium SMS is, is this a Premium Call?


I checked with my service provider, and there are no premium subscriptions associated with my account.


I also got a call  I am with Telstra though, I rang back from my office phone, it gives 3 options, one to find out mor,e one to de-register and one to get info about the legality of the call, you cant press any numbers, how can you report the number??

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