Comments on +61 616745561489

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Comments on +61 616745561489


Posted on March 22, 2023
Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
Caller: US Indian scanner FB hacker

Hacked in via other users.. tried on me.. I questioned and questioned.. their psychology was working on me. Then being baptised as a born again Christian the answer was piecing together what they were attempting to do.. they got half way there... I Just had to say another yes.. this would have given them access to my Facebook and also lured someone else in thinking it was me... They dangled a big gold carrot in front of me and had convinced me I was a winner... I stopped my mobile data and shut phone down.. then queried them and said cunning mob in India hey?.. then they're still keeping the facade up.. so Thankfully FB have security measures in place.. whether these folks were in India or able to bounce it off New York I dunno.. but they were attempting to reset and login my account and I got a notification and for me to reset.. I got three notifications from FB.. so after a new password today from me.. I have done another one.. this one though I had to add 🆔 😭 and wait 48 hours... These scammers were talented at convincing...I can see why so many get taken for a ride.. they claimed they were protecting me from scammers.. they wouldn't answer my questions after that and asked me to be polite.. they're blocked and go by an Agent name.. the number I have added was the sender of numbers I had to provide..
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