Comments on (08) 9726 8777

Search Results for (08) 9726 8777

Names found on this computer

Peters Creameries (wa) Pty Ltd


Ommaney Rd, BRUNSWICK WA 6224


6 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area

Brunswick Junction

Last Found

June 2013

Other Formats

/(08) 9726 8777

Comments on (08) 9726 8777


Posted on April 5, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
what year did Peters Creameries stop bottling cream in glass jars?
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Mrs Yvonne Glover

Posted on January 6, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Today I went into Bunbury with 4 of my Grandchildren and the kids decided they would like an icecream.
They all wanted little buckets of icecream, so I grabbed four of them and proceeded up to the checkout to buy them.
To my utter disgust I was told that they were worth $2.30 each.
Yet My daughhter went to the frozen section only to find the 2 litre tubs for $3.00.
When i found this out after purchasing 4 little tubs I would like to know how you justify this,I don't know if you have little ones but how do you expect people to enjoy something like this, in this weather, and then keep on buying things that are just plain ridiculously over priced!I know I won't.
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