Comments on (07) 5496 9417

Search Results for (07) 5496 9417

Names found on this computer

Dedekind, R B


20 Mittelstadt Rd, Glass House Mountains Qld 4518, Australia


37 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

September 2021

Other Formats

/(07) 5496 9417

Comments on (07) 5496 9417


Posted on September 21, 2011
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This number was provided to me as the Australian business phone number for Global Computer Repairs. The call was made by Matthew from India claiming that my name, address and phone number had been provided to the company by Microsoft Austalia and that the company is authorized by Microsoft to make these phone calls. They claim that for the past 5-6 months Microsoft has noted that my computer is seriously infected and they were able to fix it. This is only one variation on a large number of these telephone scams. Microsoft never makes contact with its customers by phone call and especially not through third part companies. I receive at least one of these calls each day. I try to obtain as much information about the 'company' and its operations in Australia as I can before they hang up on me. I then pass the information on to the appropriate Australian Consumer Protection organization. Warning: THESE CALLS ARE ALL PART OF SOME SCAM. NEVER GIVE AN UNKNOWN AND UNTRUSTED COMPANY/PERSON REMOTE ACCESS TO YOUR COMPUTER!!!
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