Comments on (07) 4638 0210

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Search Results for (07) 4638 0210

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Baraka Hair Studio


173 Margaret St, Toowoomba City Qld 4350, Australia


7 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

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Telstra Corporation Limited

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Last Found

October 2012

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/(07) 4638 0210

Comments on (07) 4638 0210


Posted on November 2, 2018
Caller type: Other
Location: Philippines
Caller: n/a

I'd like to suggest creating Baraka Hair Studio Website Online Booking and Scheduling for your business powered by Chatwing which includes online booking for your clients and customers directly from your website and Facebook page. This will allow your customers to view all your services and schedule in real time, which will simplify the booking process for customers and help streamline your business. Payment processing integration can also be integrated so they can book services or appointments and pay at the same time if you want.

What we usually do if you give us the thumbs up, is we customize the online booking system and entire web version and send you links to test so you can see how it will integrate into your website and Facebook page. We can also send you a short video about customizing the booking system and using the back office set of features.

Some of the features include, text message and email new booking notifications for both you, your staff and the clients, also automated text message and email appointment reminders are built in. The online Booking system can sync to your existing Calendar such as Google calendar, iCal, Office and more. A number of payment processing integrations are available and if we do not currently support your specific payment processor we can add support. The solution also has automated marketing tools built in, for example happy birthday or holiday greeting emails can be sent to client, or customize and send your own custom email newsletters to clients all from within the dashboard. The purpose of this entire platform is to help streamline your business and get you more clients booking and existing clients re-booking appointments with your company.

We can setup a time to talk on the phone to walk you through using the back office features and whats possible, we also have tutorials and on going support available. The nice thing about our platform is even after it's live on your website you can still customize and control everything in real time from your dashboard. Our statistics show over 50% of bookings are made outside business hours so this should help your clients and streamline your business operations.

To confirm, we provide you a 2 month free trial and then you pay just $8/month for unlimited bookings(pay per month, cancel anytime, no contracts, no setup costs), it's really a special deal Chatwing is currently offering so it's best to get started now, we guarantee you will not find a lower priced solution online. No credit card is needed to get started, only start paying after your 2 month free trial is over and your satisfied.

(Please note this is an exclusive offer so it is best to take advantage soon as this offer may not be available later)


Joyce Sterling

N America- USA Support & Opportunity Development
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