Comments on (07) 4123 2484

Search Results for (07) 4123 2484

Names found on this computer

C Blackwell


9 Bell St, Maryborough Qld 4650, Australia


30 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area

Maryborough (QLD)

Last Found

February 2022

Other Formats

/(07) 4123 2484

Comments on (07) 4123 2484


Posted on April 16, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Why does your so called representative, have to wear a cowboy hat!
Very unprofessional!
And a few of us customers feel, he drags everything out, charging way more than than is actually necessary!
Rather than getting the job done quicker, regardless of getting dirty!
Sorry to say, but your opposition gets in gets the job done, regardless of how dirty, or lying in oil, early in the day!!
I'll be phoning my local independent bloke in future, and cheaper!
Hopefully you respect my comment!
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