Comments on (07) 3900 8888

Search Results for (07) 3900 8888

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930 Logan Rd, Holland Park West Qld 4121, Australia


8 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

August 2021

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/(07) 3900 8888

Comments on (07) 3900 8888

Junk Mail Hater

Posted on March 23, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
If you find junk mail inserted in your letter box despite having a NO JUNK MAIL sign, here is what you do. You mail it back to their own postal address but in a plain envelope WITHOUT A POSTAGE STAMP perhaps even add a few brochures of your own (Coles, Aldi's, Best & Less, K-Mart--you get the idea) that are accumulating around the house to bulk the envelope out. Pop the letter or packet into a red mail box to be collected. When they collect their mail they not only have to pay the postage cost due but a service charge applies which is usually the cost of the postage repeated. So in effect, they have to pay double the postage rate to get their own stuff back. Perhaps this has happened to you in the past when a friend/relative has posted a letter or card to you and forgot to put a stamp on the envelope, you had to pay the postage that was due. Use this regulation to YOUR own advantage!! DON'T GET MAD....GET EVEN!!
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still annoyed... but sending stuff back to them is now a fun hobby!!!

Posted on June 1, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Dear Peter Secco of Remax Real Estate

Thank you for your junk mail in my letterbox that has a very large and clear sign that says.. NO JUNK MAIL. I am well aware your self entitlement allows you to think you can do what you want to someone's personal property. As I appreciate you have no respect for my house, it has enlightened me to GO ELSE WHERE for my property needs.

After all, why on earth would I want to use a real estate agent that can’t respect my private property. If you can’t even see a large no junk mail sign. I sure don’t want to give you a contract to stuff up.
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oh yes.

Posted on April 27, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I also tape up the envelope with tape on the top and sides so it's a real pr!ck to open without getting a papercut.
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Pissed off home owner.

Posted on March 18, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Dear Jerri Harrison-Taylor. Thank you for putting your high gloss rubbish in my letter box. You know the letter box that has a LARGE NO JUNK MAIL SIGN. It certainly does not inspire me to use your company. If you can't even treat my letterbox with respect. Then the odds are you wont treat the rest of my house with respect. It’s the little things about MY HOME that mean the most.

I find Remax real estate has a habit of doing this. I find their junk in my letterbox all the time. So since you are having a bit of trouble understanding what a NO JUNK MAIL sign means... let me be a bit clearer..

F U C K OFF WITH YOUR CRAP!!!! I really hope this has made things clearer for you. ohh and your office number will now be placed on every cold caller list I can find and every survey I do. Because as you have shown me, it's ok to junk mail people whether they want it or not.

Have a great day! Open-mouthed smile
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