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Search Results for (07) 3437 8517

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Telstra Corporation Limited

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June 2016

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/(07) 3437 8517

Comments on (07) 3437 8517


Posted on October 1, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
A website that allows stalkers to look up the names and addresses attached to landline and mobile numbers is being investigated by the nation's privacy and communications watchdogs.

The reverse phone directory lookup service,, was created by an Australian systems architect living in San Francisco who would only reveal his first name, James.

Privacy experts have sounded the alarm over the service, saying it is a major breach of privacy. They say it is different from phone books like the White and Yellow Pages as to use those services people need to already know the person's name and often their address as well.

"It enables anybody who doesn't know you or who somehow or other discovers your phone number to locate your home address," said David Vaile, executive director of UNSW's Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre and vice-chair of the Australian Privacy Foundation.


Vaile said the service also carried potential criminal risks as it could be used to stalk people or to find the addresses of public figures.

"That's the implied threat of a gangster – 'we know where you live' – and by enabling that not only do you have the potential for people providing their number as a spokesperson getting harassed but also people finding out where you live and then checking it out on Google, casing the joint on Street View for possible burglaries," he said.

Whether the service is illegal is as yet unclear. Telstra, which owns the White and Yellow Pages, has in the past taken legal action against companies that make and re-sell searchable, electronic copies of its phone books.

The Integrated Public Number Database (IPND), which is maintained by Telstra, contains listed and unlisted residential and business phone numbers and their corresponding name and address information.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) said it was an offence under the Telecommunications Act to offer a reverse searchable version of the IPND, punishable by civil penalties up to $250,000.

But James, who runs the ReverseAustralia website, claimed he was not using data from the IPND. He would not reveal where he obtained all of the personal information.

"Our data comes from a number of public sources ... In total there are over 14 million phone numbers in our database with several records per number in most cases," said James.

Vaile said it was relatively simple to scan every page of the phone book and, using optical character recognition, pull out all of the key data into a searchable database.

Telstra has few remedies to prevent this after the full bench of the Federal Court earlier this year rejected the telco's argument that it owns the copyright to its phone book listings.

ACMA and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner both said they were investigating the ReverseAustralia website to determine whether it broke any communications or privacy laws.

In a further privacy concern, users of the website are required to first log in with their Facebook details. The site argues that this is necessary in order to "limit abuse to our system and help law enforcement in the event of any illegal activity".

However, Vaile wasn't buying this, saying he believed the Facebook coupling was designed so the site could track users or access their information.

He criticised the Privacy Commissioner for "very rarely" taking any formal action, particularly when it comes to internet-based privacy threats.

"They are rarely willing to push the boundaries of their jurisdiction to discover what's at the edge," he said.

James said being based in the US allowed him to take advantage of "more favourable privacy laws". He distinguished his site from past efforts at reverse phone lookup directories by saying he did not allow people to search an address and find the phone number.

"In the past these services have offered lookups by address. This is scary because a stalker could follow someone home, note down their street name and number, and then use one of these services to find the phone number of whomever they are stalking," he said.

" offers reverse lookup by phone number only."

James also said there were legitimate uses for the service and that he was about to create an iPhone app version.

"For example if you have a missed call and want to screen it against being a telemarketer, you would use our service to search for it," he said.

"In the coming months we plan on releasing a smartphone app that will query our database when you have an unknown call coming in and automatically identify who it is, or if it has been reported as a telemarketer or spam by any of our users."

Telstra's Sensis division, which owns the Yellow and White Pages, would only say that it respected the privacy of those listed in its directory products and did not enable reverse searching in any format.

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Posted on October 20, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
good, now I know the phone number and address of this person, I wonder if they wanted the whole world to know their phone number and address.
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