Comments on 0499 116 965

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on 0499 116 965


Posted on March 18, 2023
Caller type: Robocall
Location: Australia
Caller: chinese scammer

I didn't answer the call and let it go to message bank, knowing that if it's an indian scammer they will not leave a message... however a message was left and it cost me 30c to call my messagebank and listen. Another Chinese scam "package delivery" (targeting BOX HILL in Melbourne with large Chinese demographic) who will leave a message allowing me to record it! Also rang the number back (hiding my caller id) and there was no answer! Why do Telco's not block these numbers? Because the PROFIT from this BS. That's why the government MUST step in and legislate and FINE the crap out of them of allowing this. Kevin Rudd and his napkin designed an insecure internet and telephone system that they seem to have no interest in fixing! Previous government did better when I complained about innocent 13yo school girls being scammed with fake computer popups. WHEN WILL THE GOVERNMENT ACT.
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