Comments on 0477 313 399

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0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Comments on 0477 313 399


Posted on May 20, 2022
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Texted with a subject line of a bunch of phone numbers, including mine. Another text box saying I had a package that was ready to collect, along with a url.
Third text box with a picture of the DHL logo.
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Posted on May 10, 2022
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Yet another text saying that I have a new “voice message”, and giving a fake URL to supposedly link to this message. Why on earth would I get a “voice message” with a URL, and not just an ordinary message on my normal voicemail? And why do I get these messages at midnight?
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