Comments on 0466 590 979

Search Results for 0466 590 979

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Chirophonetic Speech Therapy


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3 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Digital Mobile Service

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Optus Mobile Pty Limited

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Last Found

October 2012

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/0466 590 979
/004 665 90979

Comments on 0466 590 979

steve huang

Posted on October 25, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This is from Steven huang from Melbourne, my nephew Jason (11 years old boy) had some problem with his study since first year primary school, all the school mates laughing at him was kind of slow-developed intelligent and always been treated as a special part, he becomes autsim and hate study more and more. the school teacher advise us parents to sent him to kind of mental disability school, but we can not accept.

Then we searched a lot regards to a program or education course which may suitable for Jason. Jason is not really a intelligent disability, he is just normall as other kids , no difference, however we found him was really not good at sounds speech, learning and copy knowledge, writing, reading....

We spent a lot of time to find out the reason ,Chirophonetic may a wonderful educating method for him. we found the information online and from other teachers about Chirophonetic Speech Therapy and you. Now, we are so exciting that we can finally contact with you as we were so hopeless before, we wish Jason can participate into your course and be a member of your student, as we are living in Melbourne, i don't know do you have any class in Melbourne, and how to apply for it.

Please don't hesitate to contact me on 0431 728 689
we are looking forward to hear from you soon

Many thanks
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