Comments on 0459 692 663

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Comments on 0459 692 663


Posted on July 20, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: sms unsolicitored

I got this deceptive message;
“#Confirmation: Your purchase $900.00AUD from Int'l Holdings Ltd. by Pay.paI*VIN TXN ID#F2897TY987PsEu, on 2021/07/20 CaII TFN: 1800 022 791 If any Dispute.!”

Ignore it. These dim-wits really, write a bunch of letters and followup symbols to make u feel it’s a systematic code of concern & exposure or some sort - but it’s non-sensical and nothing.
Ignore this style of sms as it is a bait. DONT TOUCH THAT LINK THEY PROVIDE. THEN U HAVE ISSUES.

Stay safe all.
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