Comments on 0457 065 951

Search Results for 0457 065 951

Names found on this computer

Clean Zone 24hr Car Wash


208-210 Canterbury Rd, Heathmont Vic 3135, Australia


0 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Digital Mobile Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

November 2010

Other Formats

/0457 065 951
/004 570 65951

Comments on 0457 065 951


Posted on March 14, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This car wash vacuumn system is a complete and total rip off!!!! Every single suction in these heavy duty vac systems is weak and pathetic!!! It's so frustrating that business owners can get so greedy and heartless they lower the vacuumn suction so you have to keep putting more coins in! (Well for the silly people that do anyway) After the first $1.00 and feeling how pathetic the suction was it couldn't even suck up sultanas in the backseat from my kids, I refused to put anymore in as tempting a it was jut to get a close enough job done. But I walked around to ask the other customers if it was the same with their suction and they all said "yes mine is the same hardly sucking at all!" And so off we all went. I tried calling the number on the staff door but have never had anyone answer it and that's over trying at least 15 times in two weeks!! Yes I'm persistent and wouldn't give a crap any other time but when single parents or people that don't have the money or let alone anyone these days, to be giving money hungry business owners their last few dollars I find it my business to try get something done about it!!!!
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Posted on July 25, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I used my credit card for a $2 vacuum and so far $30 has been taken from my account . IV tried ringing the mobile which is turned off and the landline there is no answer .. I'm not happy at all .. They better refund my money before I take it further to the police or someone higher
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