Comments on 0450 353 078

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0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Comments on 0450 353 078


Posted on April 16, 2020
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Unsolicited text. Sender doesn’t indicate who they are. Same message also received from another number. Please do not reply if you receive this text. It will let them know they have reached someone (it would be a bulk send of random numbers with no way of knowing which are active). They leave out the organisation name so you can neither verify it, nor identify that you definitely didn’t make contact with them.

“Hi, we’re reaching out to you as you enquired to save money for the home/business. As of the 1st of January many electricity/gas providers have changed their rates and we have new exclusive offers available for you from our panel of providers. If you’d like to hear our new offers available for you, please just reply “Y” and we will send through an offer to you. Reply “N” to opt out.“
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Posted on March 17, 2020
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
* Unsolicited SMS:
"Hi, we're reaching out to you as you enquired to save money for the home/business. As of the 1st of January many electricity/gas providers have changed their rates and we have new exclusive offers available for you from our panel of providers. If you'd like to hear our new offers available for you, please just reply "Y" and we will send through an offer to you. Reply "N" to opt out."
* Recommendation:
Do not reply either way. Delete or flag as spam.
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