Comments on 0438 335 333

Comments on 0438 335 333


Posted on January 25, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Cant stop ringing me for some reason, This guy is a bogan type and to pushy. Womanizer and perv.
Polite soft spoken at first but rude and not polite if you say your not interested.
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Posted on August 26, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Know I know Why he's so hard to get hold of sometimes, even his buddies have covered for him, im such a fool, whoever you are Catherin thank you so much for posting ,I had no idea, Iv fallen for him U have stopped me from ruining my life , iv even lost some of my best mates, I didn't listen to them, I was warned,something isnt right with him, he's not a man, a man dosnt use his kids as a reason, and they are so lovely, I dont know what to do now, Sunday was so special with him, he can rot.
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Posted on June 21, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So I wasn't the only fool in his life, "WHY". Much the same till end of March, then no more,where is he now?, not working when he says he his obviously, now I can see the games he played with me, I feel such a idiot.
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Posted on April 2, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Keep this creep @ arms length, first met this bum picked me up in a big taxi at tweed, good fun first few weeks, kind and soft at first, jees out of the blue rude & vulgar if he can’t have his own way, thought he was a good friend after knowing,seeing him for such a long time, even wanted another woman to join us, not a chance !, think he just likes the grog too much and skinny blonds big chip on his shoulder, ruined my kids Easter with is selfish & perv ways, nothing but a beach bum kind, won’t take no for an answer. Thought he was too good to be true B@#*ard.
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