Comments on (03) 9914 8914

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 23 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 23 total complaints

Comments on (03) 9914 8914


Posted on May 14, 2011
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Called about 5 times on my mobile, only rings for about 10 seconds before they hang up. Finally within reach of mobile when they rang and said they were with tru energy and could offer me 10% discount best offer going at the moment. When I asked if this would change the discount I get already since I just signed back up to duel fuel, they hung up, what the?
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Sample complaints we have found for (03) 9914 8914

Kevin Wong Hoy

A male caller said his name was Sasha from Truenergy asked for me by name and then abuptly ended the call ( no explamation)  on both my mobile and on my homeline. If this company called 'Sellmat' is contracted by Truenergy, then Truenergy should look to its reputation.

Nat C

Got a call today 12.47pm only rang a few times before stopping.  No message.


Received three calls from this number in the past 24 hours.  LEAVE A MESSAGE YOU IDIOTS!


Got this call this morning 11.50AM, answered it, but hung up on me.


Strike that.  I just called True Energy to follow up on my email and have been advised it may take up to 5 days before I hear back with a response!!  My response "You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding?!".  The lady then said "It needs to go to the team leader and she will action".  FIVE DAYS?  To action?  What are they doing there?To save myself the ongoing frustration, call costs and to stop myself repeatedly banging my head on the desk I have taken the matter into my own hands.  I have spoken to Salmat in North Sydney and their Interactive Help desk advise I need to call Salmat Customer Contact Solutions in Melbourne on (03) 9287 9777.  I spoke to the receptionist on this number and was told that True Energy ARE using Salmat and that to stop the ongoing calls True Energy need to be notified as they are only "doing what we've been asked".  Not to sure if True Energy "asked" them to repeatedly call in a harassing manner and hang up in my and many other's ear's!  She then went on to say that apparently if you are True Energy customer they have "rights" to pass on your account information to third party contacts/affiliates etc.  Not too sure if this is entirely correct, however I will now wait to hear back from True Energy and see what there response is to passing my private information on WITHOUT my consent.  I don't recall signing any sort of consent for this, nor verbally agreeing to it over the phone, but I'll see what they say.  *bangs head on desk again*.


Who's been calling me? I've received two calls from this number in the last two days clearly from some scam telemarketer who DOESN'T EVEN LEAVE A MESSAGE!

Surely the Australian government can put into place greater protections to stop callers such as this one from leacing messages. As a white Australian I have a right to receive messages from missed calls.

oh - I forgot - its called freedom of information act!

As a white Australian I have rights! Certainly too know who is calling and wherefore! I shudder to think of some soul from deepest India trying to call me at midday! For insurance

Down with Permanent Reside ncy Kevin Rudd what are you doing about this ratty situation!

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