Comments on (03) 9459 7022

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U 9 210 Burgundy St, Heidelberg Vic 3084, Australia


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/(03) 9459 7022

Comments on (03) 9459 7022

Edward Mietus

Posted on September 21, 2011
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hello Dr Oliver,
On the 20th Sept you performed an Angiogram on my mother Mrs Irena Mietus.
It is with a heavy hand I write this email.
Our Mum was diagnosed many, many years ago with Angina, and other Heart associated problems. She was told that she had to reduce her fluid intake to 4 small glasses of water as increased fluid intake increased the fluid around her heart, placing unnecessary increased pressure making her heart work harder. Over the years she was prescribed many Heart helping? tablets and when she was having pains in her chest to take anginine to relieve the pain.
Then last night when you were seeing her after the angiogram, you said her heart may not be the problem as first thought by many people before you indicated.
There may be an other issue in that as a family we think she may be suffering a degree of depression as a result of her loss of independent life and possibly this may be part of her problem. We have noticed over the years, when an event, such as people coming to visit her, her pain levels increase. Also bearing in mind her age, are we to believe there is a certain amount of general wear and tear.
Additionally my son was diagnosed with a parasitic bug in his stomach. It took nearly 12 months to find what caused his symptoms to be found.
I wrote an email to son last night who is in America, he wrote back and I have included his thoughts below that he feels may be part her problem. It's at least worth a look.
Regards and thank you for you time, Edward Mietus

From: Troy Mietus <troymietus @>
Date: 21 September 2011 1:13:26 AM AEST
To: Ted Mietus <tedmietus1 @>
Subject: Re: Mum / Nans


I wouldn't be surprised if there is a genetic issue we are faced with here. A great deal of her symptoms are similar to mine (although mine a less severe due to modification of my diet to a very simple one).

It would be good for her to see if they can check her glutithione serum level, as with all the medication over the years her body probably cannot detoxify all of the medication and general body waste.

Also, ask the Dr to put her on an anti fungal like Nystatin tablets, as with being on nexium and other acid blockers for years, it wouldn't surprise me to learn her guts and esophagus are filled with mold and fungus too.

Only reason why I say all this, is I was presented with the same results, no obvious issue but crippling health!!!

Kind Regards, Troy

On Sep 20, 2011, at 4:46 AM, Ted Mietus <tedmietus1 @> wrote:

Hello Guys,
Returned home a few hours ago after visiting Mum / Nans and after seeing the Dr who performed the Angiogram. He said he could not find anything abnormal with her heart. And as for her lungs it's not an issue that could be causing her problems.
He said he will have to do more investigating to find out why she had been given all the medications she is currently taking. He also said she does not have angina as we have been told for all these years - what a revelation to be informed of. It hit me like a rock. Why has she been taking all these medications for all these years, what an expense she has had to outlay year in and year out. There must be someway these medical wankers should compensate her.
And this is where we are, left with question after question.
Love to you both, Ted
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