Comments on (02) 9829 7745

Search Results for (02) 9829 7745

Names found on this computer

Newton, L
Newton, C
Newton, L M


42 Aubrey St, Ingleburn NSW 2565, Australia


9 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

June 2013

Other Formats

/(02) 9829 7745

Comments on (02) 9829 7745


Posted on November 3, 2011
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Att; allan. It has anyone ever told you that you smell like 4 day old eggs? Not the eggs in shells but the eggs you crack and leave in the sun. I mean seriously have you ever used soap? I'm thinking not. I wanted to talk to you about the procedures at FDAC. It has come to my attention that you have a massive nose and sometimes i am worried that you make to much mucus flow on the floors and patrons are complaining of the slipp factor. Once this was brought to my attention i thought to notify council, however i have decided to leave it up to you, to fix the problem.

On another note i have herd through the grapvine that you no longer wish to work here and would like to join the circus? Is this true? If so where can i by my ticket? The chance to see you in tights and no shirts makes me feel the need to change my pants. Please dont let what i have just written affect our work relationship this is why i use such an abnormal way of communication.

Always here foryou,

Ryan Blouin
AKAC Aquatics
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