Comments on (02) 9588 5740

Search Results for (02) 9588 5740

Names found on this computer

Peace Nursing Agency


Kogarah NSW 1485, Australia (updating)


5 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

October 2012

Other Formats

/(02) 9588 5740

Comments on (02) 9588 5740


Posted on April 23, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Dear Ms Penny,

My name is Nancy CHENG, RN. Australian. Live in Enmore area. My good friend Ms Isabel Maria Simoes RN recommend me to apply an Agency Nurse in Peace Nursing Agency. Ms Simons used to work with you before. I hope you can kindly to offer me a job opportunity. I work hard, delicate, loyalty and will take any challenge in my life, like teamwork and can work independently as well. My email: parisching2012@gmail. mobile:0401 218 968
home: (02) 8957 7890. I am sincerely to look forward for you kindly advice. Thank for your attention. Yours Sincerely, Nancy CHENG RN
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