Comments on 0419 639 539

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on 0419 639 539


Posted on June 29, 2016
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Unsolicited SMS from Dimitri Chiras of trying to sell a business (plan?) to get into Real Estate.

Quote from the Do Not Call website:
"FAQs for Consumers

Will registering my number stop me from receiving SMS Marketing?

No, registering you mobile number will not prevent you from receiving SMS marketing.

SMS marketing is covered by the Spam Act 2003. The Spam Act also regulates the sending of commercial emails and other electronic message types such as MMS and instant messages.

If you would like to lodge a complaint about the receipt of spam, or to obtain further information, you can visit the ACMA’s website"

Replying to the SMS with "STOP" should be the end of it. However, the the SMS can also be forwarded to the ACMA SPAM tracking number.

Quote from the ACMA web site:
"When you receive a spam SMS message, you can now forward it to the dedicated telephone number 0429 999 888 to report it directly to the ACMA. You will be billed the standard rate for sending SMS messages by your mobile phone provider. Your report will be recorded in the ACMA's database and used to monitor SMS spam activity."

Hope this helps.
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